

For some it takes a fair amount of lifetime for one’s calling to become apparent.

* * * *

Compassion is fine, well, and good, but the effort it takes to care can be a tad wearing.

* * * *

We are all just actors here, and many, if not most, never even begin to realize it.

* * * *

The test, were there such a thing, is within every breath a moment is offered.

* * * *

Intelligence is a many-faceted jewel.

* * * *

Life is not much good at playing fair.

* * * *

So much to know, so much to forget.

* * * *

What a twisting thing the monkey-mind.

* * * *

How agnostic is agnostic?

* * * *

Any existence is about exploring the capacities and limitations of the given container.

* * * *

Have you ever really met anyone, or possessed anything, that you could not live without?

* * * *

Consciousness is but waves crashing, tides ebbing and flowing, in the its dream of time.

* * * *

Continuity? Only in your dreams.

* * * *

The silliness only gets sillier.

* * * *

Genius is not always appreciated in its own time.

* * * *

The flame does not linger once the candle is lit.

* * * *

Rest assured that yours is no less an opinion than anyone else’s.

* * * *

Desire builds the fear of having and not having and the spectrum of dread between.

* * * *

The constraints of any given eye are solely in the mind born of desire and fear.

* * * *

Sometimes, when meeting Goliath, David gets off a lucky shot, but many times not.

* * * *

Sometimes ugliness is just on the surface; sometimes it rots all the way through.

* * * *

Sanity? And that again is what?

* * * *

Relax, it does not really matter.

* * * *

Which end of the leash is any dog walking?

* * * *

You call this a plan!?

* * * *

There is no other, only you, right here, right now, forever and ever.

* * * *

Feeling the need to identify with anything, why?

* * * *

You are but the sum of your thoughts.

* * * *

Breathe deep, sweet chariot.

* * * *

Freedom is the almost unbearable lightness of being.

* * * *

The genetic lottery has been DNA’s eternal dice roll since its inception.

* * * *

Yoga is a means to union, not an end in itself.

* * * *

Joy is as imaginary as sorrow.

* * * *

Imitation is the way of cowards and fools.

* * * *

Is this not hell enough?

* * * *

It just does not matter.

* * * *

A higher level of dystopian intrigue over in that unhappy faire.

* * * *

Revenge is called justice when someone else metes it out.

* * * *

Too huge for words, but still we muddle and stew in our endless inanities of finite thinking.

* * * *

Another widgeteer: What a finite loop any specialization.

* * * *

What a curious thing it is to be at all concerned what others think of you, or of anything, really.

* * * *

The world is for those who lack imagination, and the one with the least is often first to pull the trigger.

* * * *

What is the meaning of life but the one each and every one alone concocts.

* * * *

May not be such a bad thing to be considered a tad mad at least a bit unpredictable.

* * * *

Daily you wake up, and there you are, nothing pretending something yet again.

* * * *

Why would you need applause from anyone, much less a theater full of strangers.

* * * *

You are the nothingness come to life.

* * * *

What is wrong with enjoying the sound of your own voice?

* * * *

So much effort, all for vanity and ruin, over and over and over again.

* * * *

Why would it matter even if you were?

* * * *

The difference between black and white is gray.

* * * *

Nothing but variables, but a great experiment, nonetheless.

* * * *

It is not time, it is not space.

* * * *

Believe this or that if you must, but what a tedious way to get through the day-to-day.

* * * *

You can choose to feel everything, or nothing, as you like.

* * * *

It has as many forms, as many faces as you like, or none for that matter.

* * * *

What need does a newborn have for belief?

* * * *

The choir sure does quibble over nothing.

* * * *

Better to break a heart than to stay with someone for whom you feel no calling.

* * * *

You, whose fate it is to think you are.

* * * *

It is whatever you think it means, whatever that means.

* * * *

Mesmerized by your seed line and where it landed.

* * * *

Strategy without tactics is like an end without the means.

* * * *

Thoughts looking for fertile ground.

* * * *

What happens when the hologram dissolves is anybody’s guess, and everybody does.

* * * *

Who is it who cares, or not?

* * * *

When there are so many answers, real questions fewer and fewer emerge.

* * * *

Every moment its own little sculpture in that vain little eye.

* * * *

The unknown is unknowable, no matter how you chatter while you scamper and scratch.

* * * *

Bask in this quantum awareness as will allows.

* * * *

Hypocrisy is judgment of that which you are likely guilty times beyond counting.

* * * *

Much easier to worship idols and follow someone else’s law than it is to discern eternity within.

* * * *

Awareness coupled with consciousness, we all are.

* * * *

Practically over it.

* * * *

A very large perspective within a relatively tiny aspect.

* * * *

Worry, worry, worry, so much worry in this very worried world.

* * * *

It has all happened so that this matrix of a moment could happen.

* * * *

If you have played it hard and fast, you well know the monkey.

* * * *

Sometimes you just need to break with the routine.

* * * *

Hard to play a game in which you have lost interest.

* * * *

What will you do when you grow up? depends on your definition.

* * * *

Wisdom is the domain of many a fool.

* * * *

It is within that many a castle falls.

* * * *

Home invasion is home invasion, whether by one or the many of some army.

* * * *

Beware the ones with earnest smiles and the glint of greed in their eyes.

* * * *

All these thoughts are very legalistic, really, in a mystical sort of way.

* * * *

An arbitrary creation from the get-go.

* * * *

What is death but the ever-changing changing no more.

* * * *

You do not ask for freedom, you assume it so.

* * * *

Settle for dogma it is your bent, but do not expect all to aspire to so low a bar.

* * * *

Quantum this, quantum that, quantum everything.

* * * *

Be vast within.

* * * *

Where is the line between creator and creation?

* * * *

In adversity, one must either learn to be strong, or endure being crushed.

* * * *

Break the code.

* * * *

It is within that reality will be discerned.

* * * *

It is all beautiful, it is all ugly, and neither, actually.

* * * *

The eye constantly changes as the mind does.

* * * *

Physician, heal thy Self, take what is splintered, make it whole, one.

* * * *

Enjoy the day, Maestro.

* * * *

Serve you Self in whatever way you are called.

* * * *

Monkey got ahold of you again, eh? Well, better luck next round.

* * * *

Be the vastness within and without.

* * * *

You have always been an energy being, a quantum being, whatever the form.

* * * *

The pace of consciousness leaves all in one wake or another.

* * * *

A promise means nothing unless it is kept.

* * * *

Every birth a mutation of DNA seeking immortality.

* * * *

The passions to which many succumb offer little real or lasting peace.

* * * *

Where is the line between good and bad, and who decides?

* * * *

No contribution, just one vote, maybe.

* * * *

How quickly one moment can change everything that follows.

* * * *

There is no god in the way you think.

* * * *

Big difference between the suicide of the body and the suicide of the mind.

* * * *

The mind locked in differences can see neither far nor wide.

* * * *

The world is done and undone by differences.

* * * *

At birth you know nothing, at death nothing much.

* * * *

You do not have to believe any of it, you know.

* * * *

Nothing can be lost, nothing can be saved saved.

* * * *

What point residing in an Ivory Tower if you cannot move about freely on the ground?

* * * *

You are your religion, and no one’s ever the same for those without dogma or idolatry.

* * * *

The generalist will rise again, the specialist of the dystopian paradise.

* * * *

Without awareness, without consciousness, without imagination, what is there?

* * * *

Seemingly so many things, yet not all the time.

* * * *

Unfiltered by the inanities of political correctness.

* * * *

When did god become he, she, or even it?

* * * *

The unknown that is known is not the unknown.

* * * *

The need for control arises from great fear.

* * * *

How absorbing just a simple breath when it is given one’s total attention.

* * * *

The god you have in mind, the god you imagine, is not god.

* * * *

And at some point, the awareness twitched, and a universe was born.

* * * *

Embrace the life and death of every moment, and wander free.

* * * *

You have played the monkey every way imaginable; what more is left?

* * * *

Where can reason go without intuition its constant companion?

* * * *

What is the whole mind?

* * * *

To lack compassion is to be a slave to the suffering of others.

* * * *

Might even reach a point where the DNA is no longer in charge.

* * * *

It sounded good at the time.

* * * *

Close your eyes, still your mind, and see the awareness for what it is, and what you are.

* * * *

Do not be fooled by the sidewalks, it has always been a jungle.

* * * *

No matter how hard you try, you cannot deprive fate its munchie.

* * * *

A good and true aphorism crosses all boundaries.

* * * *

No one will ever, hopefully, know that dirty little secret.

* * * *

What are you but a point of consciousness in an indivisibility without center.

* * * *

How smoky each and every streaming, each and every unfolding moment.

* * * *

It is a choice to hold on to your dream: What does it take to let it go?

* * * *

What is death but merging back into the home alone mode of the indivisible oblivion.

* * * *

To see it clearly for what it is, is the fulfillment of DNA’s destiny.

* * * *

How meaningless any principles to any given moment.

* * * *

Another widgeteer. Whoo-hoo.

* * * *

Every zone has its regulars.

* * * *

Questions, so many questions.

* * * *

You are the brass ring.

* * * *

Born to die, live well.

* * * *

What is prior to real inquiry?

* * * *

Where is the mind that no longer consumes the sensory feed?

* * * *

That which is prior to consciousness leaves no trace.

* * * *

Choiceless is as choiceless does.

* * * *

Imagination carries the day.

* * * *

The aloneness of singularity, complete and absolute, the essence, the core, of everything.

* * * *

You are the awareness to which no identity can for more than a short while subscribe.

* * * *

The chains are entirely your own creation, yours to embrace or break as you see fit.

* * * *

What you know makes up your universe, but how much more there is to unlearn.

* * * *

Random is as random does, The Great Quantum loves dice, Mr. Einstein.

* * * *

Ethics is the luxury of a full belly and a safe harbor.

* * * *

If I am not a cow, what, pray tell, am I?

* * * *

Who survives and who breeds is history in a nutshell.

* * * *

If you do not care for your body and mind, who will?

* * * *

To be truly, completely detached from everything, what would that be like?

* * * *

If you thought that way then, if you felt that way then, then what need for regret?

* * * *

What choice does anyone really have as they wander from the first breath to the last?

* * * *

Sometimes you lose your way, and must search a bit to find it again.

* * * *

You are Quantum, You are Nature, You are That I Am.

* * * *

It can never be more or less than it is.

* * * *

Who owns your mind, if not you?

* * * *

Boys are covered with blood, most of it their own.

* * * *

A quantum-schooch-quantum dream.

* * * *

Drowning in too much of more-more-more already.

* * * *

The ultimate You is indivisibly blameless.

* * * *

Another milestone … Whoo-hoo.

* * * *

What a torture chamber of a prison any given mind-body can be.

* * * *

Creator and the creation, how can they not be one in the same?

* * * *

Well, you would have if you had thought of it sooner.

* * * *

Schizophrenic to the nth degree.

* * * *

Losing your mind may not be such a bad thing.

* * * *

Always challenging to leave well enough alone.

* * * *

Peace of mind is but a good, deep breath away.

* * * *

Doubt is a springboard, not an end in its Self.

* * * *

You are a time machine in imagination only.

* * * *

The big question for many a monkey-mind might well be: Will you get laid in heaven?

* * * *

Ever as inexplicable as it has ever been to eyes that see, ears that hear, one minds, eternal.

* * * *

McDonald’s and Taco Bell rolling over another belt line.

* * * *

Cling less, be happy.

* * * *

A conversation about the end of all conversation.

* * * *

Fresh and alive, what that that mean, anyway?

* * * *

The difference between any given here now is the difference only consciousness knows.

* * * *

Once you are dead and gone, just how important is it, really, that anyone remembers you?

* * * *

Curious how so many spend so much time telling others what to say, what to do, and how to live.

* * * *

Another self-absorbed existence underway in the bon-voyage-agony-ecstasy of all things imaginary.

* * * *

You will set down these and other words when you discern the That I Am within.

* * * *

Has any cancer ever been as successful at across-the-board destruction as we?

* * * *

To hot, too cold, too this, too that, will they ever make up their minds?

* * * *

All the world’s a stage, and all we mortal players merely the dreams of oblivion.

* * * *

Best not to take anything personally if you are at all adept at detachment.

* * * *

In the world but not of it, what exactly does that mean, anyway?

* * * *

Now … where you have always been before you were so mortally interrupted.

* * * *

A wolf in disguise will always find those whose nature it is to submit.

* * * *

The mentally twisted have always drug the rest along in their wake.

* * * *

You know whatever you know because not remembering it is not an option.

* * * *

Totally alone in the vastness of your universe, you are as free as you dare to be.

* * * *

No human outcome can ever but hope to be more dynamic than its collective vision.

* * * *

The heart of darkness is the fragmented realm many a cynic endures.

* * * *

The cosmos is absolutely indifferent to all its creations.

* * * *

How can imagination ever more than imagine reconciling its make-believe with reality?

* * * *

Why should anyone follow an awakened one when all have it within themselves to be one.

* * * *

A balloon is full of the same essence as you, and really no less a temporary phenomenon.

* * * *

What can you possibly say to anyone who hears a truth and thinks it a lie?

* * * *

Who can argue with the freedom that freedom offers.

* * * *

Why blindly accept anything you have not yourself observed?

* * * *

In a vast universe full of differences, how can everything not be the same?

* * * *

You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but there ain’t no taking the jungle out of the monkey.

* * * *

The quantum source, from which the birth and death of stars is made manifest, permeates all.

* * * *

Is there anything humans do that does not eventually ripple into one backfire or another?

* * * *

Belief has nothing to do with the reality, the truth of what is, and what is not.

* * * *

Curious how a little bit of knowledge has a way of fogging up the mirror.

* * * *

In the middle of a bustling city, you are as alone as any sailor on an empty sea.

* * * *

Abide in the spontaneity of the moment, free of all constraints, whenever possible.

* * * *

Metaphors hashed and rehashed again and again times beyond counting.

* * * *

You are the irony of paradox, and the paradox of irony.

* * * *

How oppressive all dogma to those who would be free.

* * * *

Plenty of cheerleaders out there for them that want comfort more than truth.

* * * *

If you had never been born, rest assured that you would neither know nor care.

* * * *

How could anyone seriously expect it to be less? Ye gods, such blasphemy.

* * * *

Probably a good idea not to fully trust people trying to get into your wallet.

* * * *

Heavens and hells are but hidebound visions of that which some call god.

* * * *

Truth does not require persuasion, nor is it subject to question or argument.

* * * *

What need do the passionate have for the peace of home-sweet-home?

* * * *

Leave no stone unturned, yet cling to none of them.

* * * *

A philosophical waxing, indeed.

* * * *

The roll cannot be changed once the dice are in play.

* * * *

What ambition there can be in seeking oblivion.

* * * *

Only through limitation can infinity be discerned.

* * * *

Self trumps all.

* * * *

The mind is laden with ghosts of every persuasion.

* * * *

Thinking is just another habit, just like all the rest.

* * * *

How much will too little too late cost this time?

* * * *

If it requires any effort, it is neither real nor true.

* * * *

Sure took a lot of waves for yours to hit the shore.

* * * *

Where stillness is not, there is one delusion or another.

* * * *

Vain notion cloaks any vision of the quantum field.

* * * *

Far less important how you begin the marathon of life than how you finish it.

* * * *

The Great Nada yawns for your return home.

* * * *

The machinations of creation are beyond counting.

* * * *

So many expectations, so many disappointments.

* * * *

Who is the who, who so badly wants to be free?

* * * *

Idealism is pointless; either put up or shut up.

* * * *

Not interested in playing your little game anymore, sorry.

* * * *

In the relativity of consciousness, perspective is all.

* * * *

Despite its great virtue, doubt can only take you so far.

* * * *

Awareness is neither of the heart nor in the mind.

* * * *

What is the god-damned, fucking point?

* * * *

If you would avoid the fate of moths, stay clear of the flame.

* * * *

Just not interested in that recording anymore, sorry.

* * * *

Inequity abides.

* * * *

Dogma and idolatry are the shroud of vanity.

* * * *

Self-absorbed mutations of an earth-bound kind.

* * * *

Only human beings pretend to be what they are not, never were, will never be.

* * * *

Mastery of breath is the link to eternal life.

* * * *

Nada interrupted.

* * * *

One lie in the midst of many truths is well-cloaked.

* * * *

We are all made strangers through our imaginary differences.

* * * *

What is friction but a quantum love fest?

* * * *

What a teeny-weeny view of god not to include your Self.

* * * *

May as well try catching a wave as to hold onto any existence.

* * * *

What is any memory but a vague shadow of the original perception.

* * * *

Look within to see everything you project upon others is but Self-reflection.

* * * *

What bounds can there ever be to the vanity born of imagination?

* * * *

You are the will of godness, quantum fever that it is.

* * * *

Look within to see everything you project upon others is but Self-reflection.

* * * *

What bounds can there ever be to the vanity born of imagination?

* * * *

All operate in one frame of reference or another.

* * * *

We shall measure and prod ourselves, our world, our universe, to the bitter end, no doubt.

* * * *

The challenge is to use the mind to solve problems, not make them.

* * * *

Patterns rule.

* * * *

Peek-a-boo, I see the you that is me, and the me that is you.

* * * *

How useless wisdom is in the face of the self-absorbed monkey-mind.

* * * *

Is there a crime if there is no guilt?

* * * *

Is anything really yours or mine for anything more than a brief burst of time?

* * * *

Well enough is well enough, indeed.

* * * *

So many ways to fill the mind with the distractions born of time.

* * * *

Reflection is for the few and far between.

* * * *

When desire and fear are at bay, serenity wafts into being.

* * * *

Just another thing come and gone in the dream of it.

* * * *

Is this need to research the obvious more a means to avoid a decisive change of course?

* * * *

Can the singularity ever be discerned but through the reflection of the other?

* * * *

That little attachment is the dream, too, you know.

* * * *

Nothing struck again today.

* * * *

The struggle to exist is not something for which all have the heart and mind.

* * * *

Arguing with fools is a waste of time for all concerned.

* * * *

Argue for Santa Claus, and sure enough, he is on the roof.

* * * *

Sticking around to watch it unravel.

* * * *

And what have you done with your brief existence but what you were ordained to do.

* * * *

Be the awareness, formless and unknown.

* * * *

Self-righteousness is a sure road to hypocrisy.

* * * *

I am Tao, you are Tao, all of us a-Tao-ing in the right here, right now.

* * * *

What else can bliss be but the perception of the indivisible pervading all.

* * * *

What is a frame of reference but any given life’s statistical sample.

* * * *

Time bears naught for long.

* * * *

What useless things, resolutions.

* * * *

Right here, right now, smack dab in the middle of everything, you are.

* * * *

Christmas is coming, and this year Jesus is finally old enough to ride shotgun with his daddy.

* * * *

There you go again looking for the literal in what is ultimately just a matrix of metaphors.

* * * *

How vaporous any thought, no matter the precision with which it is crafted.

* * * *

Within and without, be the vastness you are, have ever been, will ever be.

* * * *

A re-varnished lie is always preferable to those who are more partial to comfort than truth.

* * * *

You are a portal through which the quantum mystery has achieved consciousness.

* * * *

All histories are but vague notions, all biased one way or another.

* * * *

A blade cannot enter that to which there is no entrance.

* * * *

The candy shop of life does not always carry sweets.

* * * *

If you did not exist, who else would there be to witness it?

* * * *

If the blinders fit, wear ’em.

* * * *

Nobody’s world is about you.

* * * *

How the dream does reek of unsubstantiated bullshit.

* * * *

The matting dance can be a lot of work for very little return.

* * * *

There is no point in judging what is really all your creation.

* * * *

Once you have any formula down pat, it is just about punching in the numbers.

* * * *

Remember, you are only the center of your own confabulated universe.

* * * *

You are, have always been, and will ever be, absolutely free, to be, or not to be.

* * * *

A will-lessness to be what you truly are, simplicity its Self.

* * * *

If you have managed to survive long enough to breed, your DNA will be only too happy to oblige.

* * * *

No, it is not all about jobs.

* * * *

The world went awry when fire was first used for more than cooking and warmth.

* * * *

Every problem the dystopian now is facing are all linked by over-population.

* * * *

It is all much greater than the limits of any imagination.

* * * *

The dream of space and time is only real if you believe the sensory body-mind.

* * * *

You are nothing but a mind chock-full of vain notions.

* * * *

We cannot all be seeing the same thing, and not discern a fair amount of it he same.

* * * *

Dip your foot into a stream, and the next moment neither are the same.

* * * *

It is the light of awareness that creates the cosmos.

* * * *

What limits, what boundaries, what divisions, can there be in a void?

* * * *

Who needs God, Jesus, or any other deified idol if they have the courage to stand alone.

* * * *

Trust consciousness to sometimes bend you over and forget the lubricant.

* * * *

The mind evolved to solve problems, and when it cannot find one, tends to create them.

* * * *

Mutation happens.

* * * *

So yawn.

* * * *

Be the awareness, absolutely alone, without concern for the sensory feed.

* * * *

View the truth of your universe from behind closed eyes.

* * * *

So much ambition to achieve nothing.

* * * *

Go home, seeker, go home.

* * * *

Cling to nothing.

* * * *

Go formless.

* * * *

Articulate is as articulate does.

* * * *

Hold on to nothing.

* * * *

Free, the other four-letter word.

* * * *

Everything over before you know it.

* * * *

See your true face from behind closed eyes.

* * * *

Contemplate true and complete freedom and all it entails.

* * * *

Another day of consciousness playing out everything imaginable.

* * * *

Who was your father, who was your mother, and were they, really?

* * * *

Best never to plan on anything staying the same.

* * * *

Nothing is yours, and everyone else’s, too.

* * * *

None of that matters anymore.

* * * *

Insanity rocks, baby.

* * * *

Something of a broken record, eh?

* * * *

A journey where none but one can go.

* * * *

Just another way to keep busy minds busy.

* * * *

So alone as to be the source of all irony and paradox.

* * * *

The time-bound grip of any universe loosens as time draws to a close.

* * * *

Nature is the mystery’s creative expression, and that most definitely includes you.

* * * *

Samsara is ultimately but a means to your awakening.

* * * *

What part of “It is just a dream” do you not get?

* * * *

A mind well-used is used for nothing.

* * * *

When did that first seed take root?

* * * *

To truly not care, what freedom.

* * * *

It is yours for the seeing.

* * * *

Drift on.

* * * *

Nothing, doing.

* * * *

Oopsie, misspoke yet again.

* * * *

Got nothing to do, and doing it well.

* * * *

Irony and Paradox … a plague on their houses.

* * * *

If this is not hell for many, then what the hell, pray tell, is it?

* * * *

And what was that thing called desire, again?

* * * *

Learning is a right, education a privilege.

* * * *

Greed is a prison of its own making.

* * * *

Done, done, the damage done.

* * * *

Dark, dark, too dark to see.

* * * *

Down, Ego! Down!

* * * *

You are Gaia.

* * * *

Nothing to do.

* * * *

Death brings us together.

* * * *

Nothing much ever happens.

* * * *

Awareness, in which all is manifest.

* * * *

It is in total awareness that all is forgotten.

* * * *

Do not hesitate to be your Self unto the last wheezing breath.

* * * *

The truth will out in any mind bent on integration.

* * * *

Remembering less with every breath.

* * * *

In the midst of all, absolutely alone.

* * * *

Nothing is inconspicuous, indeed.

* * * *

As you think, so shall you be.

* * * *

Unfurl your sail.

* * * *

Just running out the meter.

* * * *

Nowness, an ever-cresting wave.

* * * *

What, exactly, does “No Fear” imply?

* * * *

You do not suffer but through your own volition.

* * * *

A momentary exploration into the nature of attention.

* * * *

Any given culture only has so many spare teats to go around.

* * * *

So many playing a numbers game in minds that really do not exist.

* * * *

Is what is considered normal ever really more than the average between extremes.

* * * *

Consciousness is the weaver of Samsara, awareness the witness.

* * * *

Wolves have always found sheep a tantalizing delicacy.

* * * *

The body is merely an accessory to the awareness.

* * * *

Another thing to fill the time that does not exist.

* * * *

Much simpler to be happy than sad.

* * * *

Do not doubt your real voice.

* * * *

Dream on, Dreamer.

* * * *

Nothing ever happens.

* * * *

We are all earthlings here.

* * * *

You are the first, you are the last.

* * * *

Anyone worth following wants nothing from you.

* * * *

Creation, preservation, destruction, what difference, really?

* * * *

Imagine going to your grave still asleep.

* * * *

Wake up, wake up, wherever you are.

* * * *

Discern your formless nature.

* * * *

Awareness, now.

* * * *

Your vanity is blinding.

* * * *

Is not heaven loving everything?

* * * *

What was never born can never die.

* * * *

What a worthy opponent, this Grand Illusion!

* * * *

What nature hath formed from chaos, man hath ordered back into chaos.

* * * *

Die! Die! Die! you who are not real.

* * * *

Don’t worry, be happy.

* * * *

Nothing is forever.

* * * *

What a splendid Soul you are.

* * * *

You get what you get, make the best of it.

* * * *

It may only be a dream, but it is your version, a one-time show, indeed.

* * * *

Consciousness weaves you into beingness.

* * * *

The Dark Side ain’t dark to those that see.

* * * *

Define freedom.

* * * *

Idolatry keeps the coffers full.

* * * *

There is only one church, and it is within.

* * * *

Time to move on.

* * * *

Cutting through that morass of irrationality would take even the sharpest blade a long while.

* * * *

Evaporating home.

* * * *

Another day in the dreamtime of the quantum ether.

* * * *

Some people are well beyond anything rational, and you must just slowly back away from their edge.

* * * *

Steep in the awareness.

* * * *

Nothing is real and free.

* * * *

Ask not what consciousness can do for you, but what you can do for consciousness.

* * * *

The madness that blooms ever anew.

* * * *

Mind-filler, time-filler.

* * * *

Transcend all boundaries; become the indivisible.

* * * *

The future? More an intellectual curiosity than anything to really bother about.

* * * *

Not all sovereigns live in castles.

* * * *

What is the matrix but an elemental fishbowl.

* * * *

Why would, how could, the singularity be bound to any creation?

* * * *

Knowledge and wisdom are both about knowing, but only one of them can be taught,

* * * *

To be a critical thinker requires the seeds of doubt, and the wit to question deeply.

* * * *

Sometimes inward ugliness is only compounded by outward beauty.

* * * *

Challenging for anyone to see their own prejudices clearly.

* * * *

It is about being, not becoming or believing.

* * * *

What else can perfection be but the quantum sea?

* * * *

What time could ever be outside eternity?

* * * *

It may be less about what you are than what you are not.

* * * *

How challenging to be in the world and not of it.

* * * *

Immersed you are in the infinitesimally, infinitely, indivisible quantum sea.

* * * *

Om, baby, om.

* * * *

Peace, peace, peace.

* * * *

Words fall short in extolling how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious you truly are.

* * * *

Some nuts will likely never crack even in ten thousand lifetimes.

* * * *

Why would anyone ever settle for a small vision of what they truly are?

* * * *

More egocentric, ethnocentric, geocentric, chronocentric, heliocentric, cosmoscentric absurdity.

* * * *

Does it all mean anything? Likely not.

* * * *

Who in their right mind would save this world of monkeys even if they could?

* * * *

What suffering it has taken all across time and space for you to be right here, right now.

* * * *

Why would you need an imaginary friend when you are already your own?

* * * *

Nothing is nothing no matter how something it seems.

* * * *

To exist in any way, in any shape, in any form, is genius unto its Self.

* * * *

Metaphors abide equally in the democracy of Truth.

* * * *

Cheerleaders are about as consequential as gnats.

* * * *

Channel your inner guru.

* * * *

Nothing else will do.

* * * *

You are the stars, the space between, and the pale beyond.

* * * *

Nothing exists without your reckoning.

* * * *

More pandering to hope.

* * * *

Such bother, consequences.

* * * *

The across-the-Rubicon morass daily unfolds.

* * * *

Do not feel any obligation to be trapped by all your words.

* * * *

The moment rushes quickly enough without your wishing it be faster still.

* * * *

You are That I Am. Whoopee-doopee.

* * * *

The end of history, the end of time, the end of mind.

* * * *

What the heck does forever mean, anyway?

* * * *

A full, attentive breath washes away all stirrings.

* * * *

Ever the same mystery, the same enigma, no matter how it is named.

* * * *

There you are standing tall on a grain of sand thinking the beach cares.

* * * *

What final answer there is, is a no-brainer, simplicity at its prime.

* * * *

What a surreal thing it is to exist; boggling to the nth degree.

* * * *

Imagination, the source of all vanity.

* * * *

Perhaps the rest of the world exists so that some of us can go home.

* * * *

McDonald’s, rolling over beltlines across the world.

* * * *

If you don't wanna be beholdin’ ta any man nor beast, then die, baby, die!

* * * *

Surely any deity of the supreme variety does not pay attention to people who beg and whimper.

* * * *

We are all practitioners of political expediency to one degree or another.

* * * *

Wipe your ass on any so-called holy book that advocates disconnection.

* * * *

Every game has its rules, so what is the game, Luv?

* * * *

It comes, it goes, it ebbs, it flows, why oh why, nobody knows.

* * * *

Mu, baby, mu, it is all zen muse.

* * * *

Playing chess with God is jolly good fun until you get shuffled off the board.

* * * *

You think you know your Self? Hah!  You funny guy. Make me laugh plenty hah-hah hard.

* * * *

Take Jesus off the cross, let the poor dude rest in peace.

* * * *

If you think you know, go to Go, and do not collect $200.

* * * *

What do Christ, Buddha and shit have in common, but that they are all you.

* * * *

Yes, yes, we know it is an indivisible pattern, now what?

* * * *

Here you are, isness, temporarily locked in a water-fat body bag.

* * * *

Stars die?

* * * *

Is this world an insane asylum, or what?

* * * *

You had your time, folks, the piper cometh.

* * * *

Why would you ever trust any deity of the supreme kind that stuck you here?

* * * *

Damn, this friggin’ mask will not come off.

* * * *

Creation gave us herbs, mushrooms, and other devices that we might divine our divinity.

* * * *

God may love you, but is certainly going to kill you nonetheless.

* * * *

Mother Nature's gonna hit us with a shovel if we do not take better care of her garden.

* * * *

I do not care diddly how you get here, just be here now or be square.

* * * *

Is your shit so golden that you are too good to clean the toilet bowl?

* * * *

It is not about jobs, folks, sorry.

* * * *

Technically you cannot call God a son of a bitch since it has yet to be born.

* * * *

Only God would bother to create all this.

* * * *

Mortality. Now that is entertainment!

* * * *

What two-legged sacks of shit we all are.

* * * *

The word professional really means high-paid whore to any given mindset.

* * * *

Discern the point where it all began.

* * * *

In the grand nothingness of it all, the inner is the outer, and the outer, the inner.

* * * *

Be happy, be sad, be whatever, what matter to Self?

* * * *

For good or ill, you must play your little part for a relatively brief notion of time.

* * * *

Look closely and you will discern it is the light of awareness, the youness, that is witness to it all.

* * * *

Seeing the larger picture tends to make it all relative and absolute in each and every moment.

* * * *

To find what is true, you must discern the singularity you are, have ever been, will ever be.

* * * *

You never know what ignorance and stupidity will do with a little history.

* * * *

You playing yet another version of you.

* * * *

Another game in which only vanity takes interest.

* * * *

To succumb to the will of the herd is to be lost in its synergy.

* * * *

It only matters to the winds of vanity.

* * * *

There is nothing about which to unwrap your head.

* * * *

It is all about the structure, the wiring and plumbing, into which you were hatched.

* * * *

Rarely is anything not diminished or lost in translation.

* * * *

Holding on to the world is but the mind bound to habit.

* * * *

What is time, and how can it ever be wasted?

* * * *

All belief systems have their extremes; moderation is a rare talent.

* * * *

How challenging even the most simple existence in this manifest dream.

* * * *

The so-called intelligent who do not abide in harmony with nature are clever, not intelligent.

* * * *

Death is a freeing release, the return to the unburdened oblivion of nothingness.

* * * *

How can you be jaded, how can you not be jaded, all in the same breath.

* * * *

Hope is the far-flung vapor of imagination.

* * * *

A new identity only cloaks the same mirage.

* * * *

Even just one moment of the eternal mind transcend all time.

* * *

Within any aphorism is a pregnancy of meaning for those who translate deeply.

* * * *

The quantum indivisibility, given meaning and purpose, however temporary it may be.

* * * *

It is the nature of science to inquire into everything for as long as everything is.

* * * *

Some things require a great deal of agony and/or ecstasy to clearly discern their lesson.

* * * *

To move, or not to move, the prey’s dilemma.

* * * *

You were never really born, you never really die.

* * * *

How many buddhas can dance on the head of a pin?

* * * *

Just when you think it cannot get any more absurd.

* * * *

To awaken is the revolution of evolution.

* * * *

Even the most supreme of deities must use some wee slice of its Self to create anything.

* * * *

You are smack dab in the middle of your universe, sensory illusion that it is.

* * * *

You need not abide inwardly as a human being unless you choose to do so.

* * * *

Forgiveness begins with your Self.

* * * *

The everything and nothing of everyone.

* * * *

And what is normal, and whose normal is it?

* * * *

And what is a newborn before it is encouraged to want and taught to fear?

* * * *

The eternal life is about being fully attentive, with your entire being, to the fleeting moment.

* * * *

Which to value more: The flower, or the memory of it?

* * * *

Your ancestors were slime, get over it.

* * * *

One god or hundreds beyond counting, it is still idolatry.

* * * *

Be that which is prior to any paradigm of conscsiousness.

* * * *

Thought is nothing more than the wind of mind given meaning.

* * * *

So many teachers as to be impossible to recall, much less count.

* * * *

Even the path of least resistance is replete with potholes of bother.

* * * *

Tools, tools, tools … What is the human experience without all its tools?

* * * *

Always a curious thing what any given set of memory sells will glom onto.

* * * *

It is the patterns, not history, that repeats themselves.

* * * *

Neither existence nor non-existence are of the eternal moment.

* * * *

In the indivisibility of all things mystery, how can there truly even be one boundary?

* * * *

Nature neither loves nor cares about any of its inventions.

* * * *

Any yoke is only as heavy as your attitude toward it.

* * * *

You move through life, and life through you.

* * * *

And what is the observant mind?

* * * *

Truth is for everybody and not for everybody at the same time.

* * * *

So much dogma making for a rough road ahead.

* * * *

Full attention erases all boundaries.

* * * *

How ephemeral all knowledge.

* * * *

Plug into any wave, and it will take you for one ride or another if you are surfer enough.

* * * *

Be awash in the timeless so as to be doubtless beyond all horizons.

* * * *

You are the result of that newborn’s effort to make sense of it all.

* * * *

Abandon hope all ye who enter here, no sugarcoating allowed.

* * * *

Esoteric, indeed.

* * * *

What point words and numbers that do not translate into daily living?

* * * *

Intellectual reveries do not in truth abide.

* * * *

“None of the Above” is the answer to absurdity.

* * * *

Hell is the passion of time, heaven the indifference of now.

* * * *

Nothing stays neat or pretty or organized for long; chaos rules.

* * * *

When did absurdity ever stop anyone bound and determined?

* * * *

Blame some demon if you want, but it was you who said yes.

* * * *

The eternal life cannot be had by the mind a-swirl.

* * * *

Examine your world, your universe, until you see it for what it is.

* * * *

Often unheeded is advice too freely given.

* * * *

What is made by mind can be undone by mind.

* * * *

Attentive process inevitably trumps time-bound goals.

* * * *

Wisdom stays with you long after everything else is gone.

* * * *

The same nothingness you have always been, will ever be.

* * * *

The universe has already moved on by the time you recognize it.

* * * *

You are not obligated to do anything but through your blend of desire and fear.

* * * *

A powerful intellect can so easily be both boon and bane.

* * * *

And in the best of all worlds, what shoulda-coulda-woulda have been?

* * * *

What would be worth saving, even if you could?

* * * *

What convinces anyone they should be a parent?

* * * *

Imagine a garden world where the richness of existence was its gold.

* * * *

Own your truth.

* * * *

A great big pfft! on following anyone or anything.

* * * *

Many a shoal greets the explorers seeking greater depths.

* * * *

Seeking the vanity of power, of fame, of fortune, is laced with disappointment and futility.

* * * *

Unknown within, unknown without, no boundary between.

* * * *

The truth of it is absolutely indifferent to your existence.

* * * *

Maybe you get it, maybe you do not, who cares, really?

* * * *

So many games to endure in the vortex of this monkey-mind creation.

* * * *

Epiphanies make the world go round.

* * * *

Rest as easy as the lotus, if you can be so vulnerable.

* * * *

The stories, how they do double-double-toil-and-trouble, their only horizon dissolution.

* * * *

What is god? And what is not god? Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

* * * *

Always look twice before you cross any Rubicon.

* * * *

The boundary between moderation and excess is not easily discerned.

* * * *

Being a good friend, having good friends, what more could anyone want?

* * * *

The detachment of bliss is easily left behind in any given day-to-day.

* * * *

The depth of anything is quantum deep.

* * * *

It always boils down to the given moment in any given day-to-day.

* * * *

In every breath, a fleeting sense of salvation and preservation.

* * * *

Differences, differences, as far as light can bend.

* * * *

Every potential is within to explore, whether you choose to see it or not.

* * * *

Time is on everybody’s side, and on nobody’s side, all the while.

* * * *

There is always someone willing to spin whatever lie you are willing to believe.

* * * *

The awareness prior to all movement of consciousness.

* * * *

There you go again, carving out your little window of dates and times.

* * * *

Whether motionless or moving, it passes the same.

* * * *

Lot of changing going on.

* * * *

What is possession? And who is the who, who possesses anything?

* * * *

What to do when you no longer want whatever it is you are supposed to want.

* * * *

You are only different if  you think you are different.

* * * *

The difference between black and white is somewhere in your gray matter.

* * * *

Never believe any prediction until your head is hot, cold, or wet.

* * * *

So many things so tiringly annoying sometimes.

* * * *

So, friend, you thought maybe this was just a knife fight, eh?

* * * *

Eyes that see are the eye that is not.

* * * *

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, what difference, really?

* * * *

The town criers daily beat you over the head with so many bothersome things, to what end?

* * * *

It is whatever you think it is, and nothing all the while.

* * * *

Why should anyone ever feel at all obligated to being bound by ignorance and absurdity?

* * * *

A tiny view is only made infinitesimally tinier in the reflection of eternity.

* * * *

What is courage but facing the given moment large.

* * * *

To transcend death you must discern the eternal life you have ever been.

* * * *

Futile as it is, there is always hope.

* * * *

The mind-body knows its many pains, its many scars, and attends them daily.

* * * *

There are countless ways and means to deceive in this world: the first is to your Self.

* * * *

The Great Nada is indifferent to your vanity.

* * * *

Wisdom is of all ages, across all boundaries.

* * * *

Everything great or small is followed by or proceeded by zeroes that do not exist.

* * * *

Caught in the ebb and tide whims of chemistry cycling to and fro.

* * * *

What is nationalism but the synergy of the individual ego usurped by the mob?

* * * *

It is not for selling; it is for giving.

* * * *

DNA is at the core entirely about itself: its survival, and its thrival.

* * * *

Doubt all until there is nothing left to doubt.

* * * *

It is not time.

* * * *

The nothing in which nothing is not.

* * * *

What we call regular life is really science fiction of the first order.

* * * *

You have it as it suits your purpose.

* * * *

Life, so much bother and for what, really, but endless vanity and intrigue.

* * * *

Godness cannot do this without you, nor you without it, ergo you must be one in the same.

* * * *

Some seers are martyred, some are made into statues, likely most are ignored.

* * * *

Common sense does not always require proof.

* * * *

They know who is king, but not for want of envy or malice.

* * * *

Why waste what little time you have on things that no longer matter or interest you?

* * * *

Such a tale it is to be a thinker, an explorer of the mind and universe it spawns.

* * * *

Why would it possibly matter?

* * * *

Who are you? Who am I? Who is anybody?

* * * *

No need to jump to a hodgepodge conclusion if there is time to ruminate.

* * * *

Had to say it, sorry, sort of.

* * * *

That internal whiner sure can be annoyingly bothersome.

* * * *

Is there really any choice, any free will, at all?

* * * *

Ever empty, despite all the efforts of consciousness to fill you fuller than you.

* * * *

It is not kneejerk to question idiocy.

* * * *

Your primal essence is less than a moment away.

* * * *

Self-loving, self-loathing, you choose.

* * * *

Wisdom is the coin of eternity.

* * * *

The patterning is early done.

* * * *

For the lack of a better word.

* * * *

The Great Nada is null and void from any get-go.

* * * *

How easily the powerful, the rich, the famous, descend into the despotic heights.

* * * *

Learning is a lifetime endeavor whether you like it or not.

* * * *

What coincidence that we make our gods as petty as we.

* * * *

Assumptions, assumptions, what is the human drama but a vast web of assumptions.

* * * *

What is the point of an education that only dumbs you down?

* * * *

Another birth, another death, oh yawn.

* * * *

Where there is quality, there is a value to which words can only hope to aspire.

* * * *

Feeling sorry for yourself is about as useless as it gets.

* * * *

Stay home whenever it suits you.

* * * *

What is the body but a slowly crumpling temple?

* * * *

Such a tale it is to be a thinker, an explorer of the mind and the universe it spawns.

* * * *

What proof can there possibly be that would leave you content?

* * * *

A few more nuances is all.

* * * *

What credentials are required to be godness but seeing it so.

* * * *

How did you learn to take it all so seriously?

* * * *

There is need, there is want, and often a great divide between.

* * * *

What is bliss but love of Self.

* * * *

There very much is a quantum beingness, and it is within and without all things.

* * * *

Die to It

* * * *

Whatever dystopian times are ahead for humankind, it is likely the mob will survive.

* * * *

What bitter end will you endure to play out this very worldly dream?

* * * *

Why should you care what anyone thinks of you, or anyone or anything else?

* * * *

You must approach this in warrior manner: fearless, assured, detached, immortal.

* * * *

Another case of the zig in zag and zag in zig.

* * * *

How can the Soul ever be what you think it is?

* * * *

Does anything really surprise you anymore?

* * * *

Entitlement is blindingly short-sighted.

* * * *

Perhaps if you stop judging yourself, you will cease doing it with others.

* * * *

Nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasure of your own company.

* * * *

Another legend to which any semblance to reality is lost.

* * * *

Punctuality is a myth once you discover it is only time.

* * * *

Make each breath one of inner adoration.

* * * *

You do not have to be Buddha to see the wisdom of it.

* * * *

What is the sun, what is the universe, but a tiny, brief sparkle in the infinity of your quantum sea.

* * * *

Look out into the void beyond the pale, and discern your shadow.

* * * *

We are all cousins of the same puddle, and star stuff before that, and before that, who can say?

* * * *

Ultimately, the real you has witnessed it all.

* * * *

How many times has it been said or written: The world is for those who lack imagination.

* * * *

Why should you ever blindly accept anything you cannot for your Self scientifically verify?

* * * *

When it comes to the grand infinity of it all, always paint the largest picture you can imagine.

* * * *

Is any deity worth its salt as vain as we?

* * * *

Any path to glory is but another story cast into the dusty wind of time.

* * * *

Consciousness is a web of its own making, with filaments linking every mind.

* * * *

You are as free as you manage your mind.

* * * *

Both enticing and repulsive at the same time.

* * * *

Step back and watch that life you pretend with the detached eye of awareness you really are.

* * * *

Everything is God, and how can you not be a part of everything?

* * * *

Nature tells you everything you need to know without uttering a single word.

* * * *

Rich man’s game, poor man’s fight.

* * * *

We all swim out to the depth we are most inclined, most comfortable.

* * * *

Where is the line between any us and them?

* * * *

The indolent mind is the breeding ground of superstition, dogma, delusion, and other absurdities.

* * * *

Assumptions all.

* * * *

The weight of history makes pawns of the living.

* * * *

What certainty can science attain in a sea of variables?

* * * *

This is all big bang.

* * * *

What is any hero but one who waylays all thought of consequence.

* * * *

The vapor of nothingness pretending it is somethingness.

* * * *

Define cute, and who the hell came up with pink?

* * * *

What a cruel joke it would be to bring someone back from the serenity of death.

* * * *

Most only escape into larger, more comfortable prisons.

* * * *

How quickly, how seamlessly, how timelessly, the future becomes the past.

* * * *

An inconvenient truth, indeed, indeed.

* * * *

The vapor of intelligence is the quantum fever come to life.

* * * *

The art of self-deception is about how good are you at lying to your Self.

* * * *

The level of intrigue to which you subscribe is the level of intrigue you will endure.

* * * *

A mindful mind is an empty mind.

* * * *

So much more stressful to be a human becoming than it is to be a human being.

* * * *

Mesmerized, polarized, demonized, terrorized.

* * * *

The orgasm is imagination’s explosion into oblivion.

* * * *

A good idea belongs to everyone.

* * * *

The decision is long since made, and we are, alas and so it goes, well past the veil of no return.

* * * *

So predictable as to be yawnworthy.

* * * *

Yet another non-issue to distract the mob.

* * * *

Pretense is the harbor of vanity.

* * * *

There is no inner, there is no outer, there is only the clarity of awareness.

* * * *

Has any war really ever been about anything more than avarice?

* * * *

It is the absurdity of fools to think genius can be educated.

* * * *

In consciousness, you are just another monkey; in awareness, well, that is another matter.

* * * *

The thoroughly modern moment.

* * * *

Truth is greater than any fiction, but you must get past all the stories to discern it.

* * * *

So many people, so late in the game.

* * * *

Truth is greater than any deity and requires no followers.

* * * *

Brighter does not mean wiser, nor dimmer, lesser.

* * * *

This, that, and the other thing, always bubbling into mind.

* * * *

What is the universe but a sparkle in your eye.

* * * *

If being cool is being stupid, might a good idea to pass.

* * * *

What is, and what is not, same thing.

* * * *

You cannot free any who will not break their own chains.

* * * *

Vanity and greed daily mock the lessons of history.

* * * *

A little fasting might be good preparation for the daze ahead.

* * * *

You are a human being by design only.

* * * *

You are the only thing personal in the grand indifference of it all.

* * * *

No faster way to domesticate, to tame, to lessen the fear of wildness, than to feed it.

* * * *

Some eyes become older than the stars.

* * * *

Entitlement across this modern world is coming to a close for many if not most, perhaps even all.

* * * *

Your skull is the finite edge of your infinitely imaginary universe.

* * * *

Pretty hard to see your Self when you do not really exist, and the eye that sees does not either.

* * * *

Truth, ephemeral as it is, is the only real gold.

* * * *

Eternity is an awfully long timeless to stay still, ergo, genesis.

* * * *

What has any Hallmark holiday become but a manic frenzy of obligatory consumption.

* * * *

Rare is the monkey-mind that fully embraces change.

* * * *

If it is not free and clear, it is not true.

* * * *

Irony and paradox rule the roost in the most subtle and profound ways.

* * * *

Existence is but an intoxicating dream, an illusion which few have wit to set true.

* * * *

Give yourself over to it, be here now unto thy Self.

* * * *

It is through reflection upon the looking glass of imagination that all is seen and unseen.

* * * *

What moral of any story cannot stand alone?

* * * *

What are words and numbers but sounds given concept.

* * * *

Wacko is as wacko does.

* * * *

The obvious is not for many if not most, much like common sense is to fewer than common allows.

* * * *

It is a mob-eat-mob world.

* * * *

You need not be an expert in something to see which way the wind blows.

* * * *

Anybody can write a story, true or no.

* * * *

Between black and white, an ocean of gray.

* * * *

Are you really as (your word here) as you are starting to look?

* * * *

Nuances come and go, but he gist remains the same.

* * * *

Awakening to the greatest reality is a whole brain thing.

* * * *

Self-absorption makes possible every absurdity imaginable.

* * * *

How insatiable the one-percenters and their minions.

* * * *

Any Supreme Being worth its salt must surely be greater than any earthly claims.

* * * *

No pedestal for our kind, sorry.

* * * *

A tincture of absurdity is remedy to the same.

* * * *

More is never enough for the insatiable mind.

* * * *

Wisdom is the distillation of many foolish blunders.

* * * *

Smoke gets in your mind.

* * * *

What a luxury it is to not have to care.

* * * *

Awareness is indifferent to what plays out in its hollow ground.

* * * *

Our kind, our unkind.

* * * *

Death is always just offstage, sharpening its scythe, awaiting its cue.

* * * *

Star stuff as far as the mind can see.

* * * *

The farthest reaches are not that far in the great and small of it all.

* * * *

The pretense, the pretense.

* * * *

What are beginnings and endings but markers of mind of journeys between.

* * * *

Even the smallest blade can carve its way to the heart.

* * * *

If something is true, why would it matter who said it when or where?

* * * *

Just another bacteria swarming to the edge of the petri dish.

* * * *

Like fire, like smoke.

* * * *

In what way-back-when did the first hint of imagination flicker?

* * * *

Get over your Self.

* * * *

Each of us creating our universe, one moment at a time.

* * * *

The Wizard will know, Toto.

* * * *

Awareness is the touchstone of existence.

* * * *

Play on, Nero, play on.

* * * *

And what is the point of clinging to a paradigm that is no longer functional?

* * * *

Breed on, maggots.

* * * *

There are the clever, and then there are the assholes.

* * * *

What you will is bound by what you can.

* * * *

We all have our little patch of jungle.

* * * *

Not everyone pulls out their wallet when Hallmark beckons.

* * * *

What is the world, the universe, but a habit formed by the conditioning of time.

* * * *

Is a relationship in a power struggle one worth abiding?

* * * *

Who is educated but s/he who has learned to learn.

* * * *

Every limb has its regulars.

* * * *

Yet another betrayal spins into future-past.

* * * *

It is just your DNA talking.

* * * *

The dead can only live through you.

* * * *

Who can forever protect those who cannot or will not fend for themselves?

* * * *

It will keep on going the way it is until the giving world has nothing left to give the taking people.

* * * *

Self is not self.

* * * *

And then consciousness lost the reigns, and all evaporated into nothing again.

* * * *

You have arrived.

* * * *

Regarding the human drama, is it really headed in any direction you want to sojourn?

* * * *

The senses are mesmerizing deceivers in this quantum dream, and the mind the willing deceivee.

* * * *

A still mind is an empty set unto its Self.

* * * *

What is freedom but a state of mind to which even detachment is without attachment.

* * * *

Yet another break-away moment.

* * * *

You can bet you are in other people’s minds as they are in yours.

* * * *

If pink is beauty, what color is ugly?

* * * *

Some just have hard lessons ahead, no two ways about it.

* * * *

What is identity but the wind of imagination.

* * * *

Any fool can pull a trigger.

* * * *

Living for likes, what in some deity’s name is the point of that?

* * * *

Archetypes all.

* * * *

To enjoy your own company, now that is a little slice of heaven.

* * * *

Desire and fear: Do you play with them, or they with you?

* * * *

The limits of science are the limits of mind.

* * * *

Always beginning, always ending, consciousness is like that.

* * * *

The whimsy of neurons and glands is ceaseless.

* * * *

An awful lot of effort for all the nothingness you can hold onto.

* * * *

What need have the dead for vanity, theirs or yours?

* * * *

Friendship without debt is the crème de la crème.

* * * *

To the far reaches of whose mind are you traveling?

* * * *

All knowledge is spun from the nothingness of the awareness prior to imagination.

* * * *

Oh, joy, more pain, how droll.

* * * *

Nothing to portend, nothing to defend.

* * * *

What is a chameleon but a dancer in whatever mists arise.

* * * *

Getting old gets old.

* * * *

What is any given moment but another set of perceptions quickly vaporizing into vague memory.

* * * *

Beneath the indifferent sun and moon, above the indifferent ground, unceasing drama.

* * * *

So much foolery from one mind to another.

* * * *

Between Mother Nature and mean, greedy people, in general, you are screwed.

* * * *

What a knack the mind has for creating every sort of bother.

* * * *

The past cannot own you but through your own consent.

* * * *

Ignorance and stupidity do not suffer mockery well.

* * * *

Is it really all about owning what you no longer want much less need?

* * * *

No one teaches anything unless the student takes the bait.

* * * *

An entire universe moving in your mind.

* * * *

More than a few untraceable memories in every mind.

* * * *

Every flower, no matter how unique, is only born once.

* * * *

What is the keyboard but the stylus of these our modern times.

* * * *

Just being, how amazing that it is not enough for so many.

* * * *

The big bang, genesis, whatever you want to call it, is still underway, and very much includes you.

* * * *

You are but an ephemeral reflection of the many-faced mystery.

* * * *

What madness so many, by the twists and turns of their nature-nurture, are called to play.

* * * *

It is all you, it is all not you, challenging as it is to endure sometimes.

* * * *

Another snippet for the neuron trail to slice into vague perception.

* * * *

There is no something for those who abide nothing.

* * * *

Is any given life really any more than a footprint in the sand in the middle of a tempest?

* * * *

Such a curious thing how so many live for what others think of them.

* * * *

Hope and pray all you please, but not being prepared is on you.

* * * *

Which tomorrow will it be today?

* * * *

Your lifetime of post-traumatic stress is well-stirred into the hearty stew your mind-body daily endures.

* * * *

Who were you before the world was invented?

* * * *

Same jungle, different metaphors.

* * * *

It may be less about the pain than how it was endured and what it taught.

* * * *

Some daze so immortal, and more than a few not.

* * * *

Is this awake enough for you?

* * * *

Little children can be so cute, and then they grow up.

* * * *

War!  War!  What is it good for? Well, mayhem and plunder, of course, duh.

* * * *

What is a calling but an inexplicable inclination whose source is unknown.

* * * *

Largeness is a matter of degree, but at what point is something too big or too small?

* * * *

Revenge: Sometimes a long memory thing; sometimes something best remedied quickly.

* * * *

What is worse than stupid, but annoyingly stupid.

* * * *

Nothing happened again today.

* * * *

You are the hunger for everything; you are its cessation.

* * * *

There may be security in numbers if you are in the right set of numbers.

* * * *

Opinions: Everyone’s got them, and all, meaningless as they are, seem real enough at the time.

* * * *

Attitude is all: Innocence can be rekindled if you so choose.

* * * *

Ethical dilemmas and esoteric quandaries are both luxuries of a full belly.

* * * *

All knowing is ultimately nothing more than imagination pretending itself real.

* * * *

The price of the ticket: Injury, illness, decline, death.

* * * *

In the very still, here-now moment, not a hint of memory is abided.

* * * *

In the ultimate reality, have you ever even once moved?

* * * *

And how would you like spending your entire life in a cage?

* * * *

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

* * * *

And the difference between humankind and Killer Bees is what again?

* * * *

Even a tiny slice of too much is too much sometimes.

* * * *

The optimist’s delusion, the cynic’s joy, the pessimist’s creed, the fool’s preserve.

* * * *

Wind and waves are only different in quantum inflection.

* * * *

If the soul is awareness, is it any less indifferent than the universe from which it is spawned?

* * * *

What is identity but a voluntary assertion.

* * * *

Nobody is anybody without someone else to witness it.

* * * *

There is no higher authority, nor any authority, actually.

* * * *

Freedom is just a word, eternal awareness its only reality.

* * * *

And what else could be said of it?

* * * *

What irony that so many expect of others what they cannot nor would ever do.

* * * *

Same stardust in every eye.

* * * *

Namaste, to all brothers, all sisters, all critters of every hue and cry.

* * * *

History is laced with many a shallow grave.

* * * *

The mystery is neither good nor evil as much as it is indifferent.

* * * *

A worthy aphorism takes you to the hint of the moment that inspired it.

* * * *

Very funny in a very unfunny sort of way.

* * * *

This moment is effortless … All you need do is let go … Bwahahaha …

* * * *

Is the freedom imagined by consciousness really freedom?

* * * *

The tree rings of imagination weave through the dream you play.

* * * *

Is any future but a projected past?

* * * *

All that treasury donated to mere ideas, hopes, and dreams.

* * * *

Creator and creation, how can they be separate in the ultimate sense, really?

* * * *

Can you hear what does not interest you, or what you are not ready for?

* * * *

The quantum plays out every pattern with immaculate perfection.

* * * *

Tyranny hath no bounds but compassion born in the eye of self-refection.

* * * *

In all futures past and all pasts future, you ever are the same eternal nowness.

* * * *

Swimming on two legs in a quantum sea, you are, you are.

* * * *

A little hunger makes everything more tasty.

* * * *

Breathe content, breathe free.

* * * *

Brilliance lights every nuance the mind is capable of harvesting.

* * * *

Might be better to look to your own glass house than to play the judge in so many others.

* * * *

It will never be done.

* * * *

The iron is not well struck when it is cold.

* * * *

What touches you but that which is allowed to weave your thoughts?

* * * *

What is age but the same wind blowing through tattered sails.

* * * *

No one can be that I Am That you are but you.

* * * *

The potential for mindless dogma is a shadow in every thought.

* * * *

Life is bumpy for all, harsh for many, brutal for the unlucky rest.

* * * *

We are all a bit eccentric about ourselves and our worldview, are we not?

* * * *

Nothing romantic about nothing.

* * * *

You need not keep the world in your head all the time.

* * * *

Squeezing out the last few bitter drops: Is that the wisest course of action?

* * * *

The predictability!  The predictability!

* * * *

Just because you do not want to look at it does not make it untrue.

* * * *

Time skewers all.

* * * *

Cannot kill what was never born.

* * * *

Peace is not the opposite of anything; it is the cessation of everything.

* * * *

Boo, I see you.

* * * *

For a few moments, be the inside of your eyelids.

* * * *

The human paradigm is like cement hardening into dystopian chaos.

* * * *

Curiosity does not abide time well.

* * * *

We only get wrinkled and gray on the outside.

* * * *

What is the saturation point of your realm of consciousness?

* * * *

In every breath, in every step, the unchanging.

* * * *

Alas, that tired old ankle just does not turn as pretty as it did in that vague way-back-when.

* * * *

There is but one witness at the source of all things.

* * * *

Awareness is the still hum, the silent Om.

* * * *

Good and evil exist only in consciousness; the ultimate is quite free of either.

* * * *

Locked up in a prison of flesh and bones, you are, you are, until death comes with the key.

* * * *

Cynicism is just seeing things for what they are, not what they appear to be.

* * * *

Best face your demons if you are ever to discern they are nothing but imaginary notions.

* * * *

How sweet the solitude of the cosmic mind.

* * * *

Mum’s the word.

* * * *

How could stars across the cosmos shine so without the light of your awareness?

* * * *

Just because you choose not to go there does not mean it is not there.

* * * *

None alike, all alike.

* * * *

A wedding ring may as well include a ball and chain the way some approach relationship.

* * * *

The eternal moment perceives no wind, no attributes, whatsoever.

* * * *

The co-dependencies ebb and flow unfathomably across the pale.

* * * *

We are all but glimmers of the sun’s glory, and fertilizer for the earth’s abundance.

* * * *

How many names of god are we all the time arguing about, anyway?

* * * *

How can any seed be more than a one-shot blueprint?

* * * *

Anticipation can be far more painful than many a consequence.

* * * *

Death humbles all.

* * * *

Polite applause for a show over-well done.

* * * *

The smoke of consciousness whirls and curls in the sea of awareness.

* * * *

Imagination is the time machine in which you daily travel.

* * * *

That to which you cling is never real.

* * * *

Some secrets should never be told.

* * * *

To be utterly alone in the swirl of consciousness, that is the momentary challenge.

* * * *

This trumps everything.

* * * *

No middleman for these words; you are on your own.

* * * *

Yet another uncoupled couple.

* * * *

Some people just always seem to pick the wrong horses.

* * * *

What is consciousness but eternity playing in time.

* * * *

How accurate is any story, really?

* * * *

You are as infinitesimal or infinite as you imagine.

* * * *

Anticipation is the stagecraft of suffering.

* * * *

The winds of nature-nature partner up to write the program sometimes called fate.

* * * *

Eternity is free, and spent before you know it.

* * * *

Aloneness, be okay with it.

* * * *

What is death but that good night’s sleep for which you have long yearned.

* * * *

Truth is not about dogma, idols, or fairy tales.

* * * *

How did you function before the ascendancy of the ego identity? Effortlessly, of course.

* * * *

What adaptive effort it takes for all the other critters to survive us.

* * * *

DNA plays out whatever cards are drawn, whatever dice are thrown.

* * * *

It is only other-worldly if you cannot bring it to this one.

* * * *

There is nothing to contemplate.

* * * *

Curious how all other religions are the idolatry of false gods but their own.

* * * *

A child does not build sandcastles but to ward off the King of the Sea.

* * * *

Psst … look … the veil is moving … and you are not.

* * * *

Prior to the passionate mind, a sea of tranquility.

* * * *

Once the door to inquiry is unblocked, the quest will never stop for those bent on truth.

* * * *

A metaphor is only as useful as it is understood.

* * * *

What is meditation if not abiding in the awakened-snooze-button zone?

* * * *

All paths are uncertain, even the known ones.

* * * *

You are the equal witness in all.

* * * *

A exponentially accelerating world in which no solution is viable.

* * * *

We all cherry-pick our modus operandi from those whose lives we travel.

* * * *

History is an ever-leaking bucket of metaphors.

* * * *

More to forget.

* * * *

The emptiness!  The emptiness!

* * * *

It is all you in every shape and time imaginable.

* * * *

Ruminating over what never was, what never will be.

* * * *

A world of personalities; one quantum Soul, one quantum Self.

* * * *

Align with your assumptions, and what do you got? Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.

* * * *

No response is the response.

* * * *

How my imaginary ego views your imaginary ego is the story between us.

* * * *

Guilt is heady stuff.

* * * *

What is any god-man but the one who realizes the witness within for what it truly is.

* * * *

Vanity is the poof of human egocentricity.

* * * *

Letting go of everything is the living death of eternal life.

* * * *

Easy to be fierce on a keyboard.

* * * *

It is all just a big game of pretend, a make-believe-to-be-or-not-to-be theater from the get-go.

* * * *

So many ways to die; which will be yours?

* * * *

Love is at best a many-splendored paradox, and at worst a cruel hoax.

* * * *

None of this exists, really, so go home whenever it suits you and the given circumstance.

* * * *

What is effortlessness but a calm indifference.

* * * *

By the time you read such as this, you likely have your own show pretty much down.

* * * *

No, that is not you.

* * * *

Though the patterns recycle again and again, no mind can ever think the same.

* * * *

What if you do not want to care anymore?

* * * *

You are only a prisoner of time if you allow it to reign your mind.

* * * *

Putting the human species on a pedestal is nothing more than self-serving absurdity.

* * * *

Through all potentials, you are.

* * * *

What is belief but believing in so many things; all of it, in fact.

* * * *

Vanity can always find ways to hurt itself if that is its inclination.

* * * *

Eternity cannot be discerned through the veil of time.

* * * *

History is but a fluke of evolution.

* * * *

Easy answers are not necessarily true; true answers are not necessarily easy.

* * * *

Is it even worth arguing about anymore?

* * * *

The mind is a weather system unto its Self.

* * * *

To go postal, or not to go postal, that is the question.

* * * *

The matrix is both infinitesimally and infinitely singular.

* * * *

So committed to our little parts that we die to play them.

* * * *

Doubt is not something that can be inspired or forced.

* * * *

How could any deity-upon-high ever compete with your vanity?

* * * *

Wandering from veil to veil does not for freedom make.

* * * *

Why is it necessary to believe in anything when just being is mystery enough.

* * * *

Saving the world one whale, one bottle cap, one computer chip at a time.

* * * *

What name can withstand the test of timelessness?

* * * *

Sometimes the ocean, sometimes the crashing waves.

* * * *

History is best used as a tool for reflection, not an end in itself.

* * * *

Consequences, consequences.

* * * *

What is betrayal but trust forever lost.

* * * *

Every history a black hole of inaccuracy.

* * * *

The awakening is in each and every moment for those capable of giving it full attention.

* * * *

Martyrdom has a way of sculpting vanity immortal.

* * * *

Technology cannot forever plug the dike of its ever-accelerating exponential creation.

* * * *

God is but another of imagination’s countless inventions.

* * * *

It might be said you can just about do anything if you approach it with due moderation.

* * * *

The Wild West of imagination is without end.

* * * *

Discern the state neither empty or full.

* * * *

Think streaming in a multi-dimensional, timeless sense.

* * * *

What puny gods to which these mortals bleat.

* * * *

Kick the world out and in aloneness dwell.

* * * *

Stories can disclose great truths, but they can also mask even greater lies.

* * * *

The drama!  The drama!

* * * *

What more could there possibly be but this here, this now, forever.

* * * *

Tears or laughter, it washes out the same.

* * * *

Let go, be free.

* * * *

Many are called, few are chosen, fewer still volunteer.

* * * *

The art of any given creation includes knowing when to stop.

* * * *

Another monkey getting his dime’s worth.

* * * *

A mind washed free of its chatter is a mind in which the eternal life like a lotus abides.

* * * *

And soon it will never have mattered at all.

* * * *

Probably best not to use words like human and sane in the same sentence.

* * * *

Another sacrifice to the Vanities

* * * *

The mind that accumulates only falls into an agony of daily proportion.

* * * *

At what age have you not been you?

* * * *

The creative process is to die for.

* * * *

To day, or not to day, that is the question.

* * * *

Rats and cockroaches never had it so good.

* * * *

What is desire but a primal hunger on steroids in consciousness.

* * * *

Does entitlement ever work out well for long?

* * * *

You do not need a piece of paper to doubt a lie.

* * * *

Process is the timeless state of mind from which all artistry is born.

* * * *

Is life war? Is life peace? Depends on the given day.

* * * *

What can be wrong about any linguistic spin that conveys meaning?

* * * *

Let pride be someone else’s problem.

* * * *

If you want respect, you must give respect, even if you do not mean it.

* * * *

Another day, same game.

* * * *

Fits right in to the murky edge beyond the pale.

* * * *

Yet another lost generation.

* * * *

Curious how so many have no ability to self-reflect beyond their vanity.

* * * *

Though it is but a brief dream, your mortal fate is unchangeable and inescapable.

* * * *

It is not your pay grade to know.

* * * *

Today is tomorrow in some yesterday.

* * * *

Nothing is true all the time.

* * * *

There is, to be sure, one in everything.

* * * *

The seeker who discerns  and abides that which is sought attains the peace of the eternal mind.

* * * *

Time: A delusion of an illusion.

* * * *

We cannot help our beginnings, only parlay the endings.

* * * *

Suicide is just not waiting for someone or something else to make the inevitable decision.

* * * *

Details, details, in which hell resides.

* * * *

Have you not done that enough?

* * * *

You have already been given the reward: It is called life.

* * * *

In a world, a universe of possibilities, the Great Quantum explores all.

* * * *

Attempt to describe your Self however you please, the sounds never even for a moment stick.

* * * *

Why be critical of something you no longer are? Love thy Self.

* * * *

Big mind, little mind, same thing but for the cloak of divisibility over the latter.

* * * *

The butterfly wing’s flap, the elephant’s belch, the snake’s slither, the gnat’s fart, all connected.

* * * *

Beware those who want to lead you.

* * * *

When there is nothing left to eat, we will eat each other.

* * * *

Why be anything more than what the moment calls for?

* * * *

You can imagine it whatever you will, or just be it, pure and still.

* * * *

It was technology that created the problem; it will not be technology that solves it.

* * * *

Not harming others is a challenge; not harming your mind-body even  more so.

* * * *

The world is really nothing more than a spinning ball of distraction.

* * * *

Ever rending then mending that which is indivisibly flawless.

* * * *

What care blackboards for all the chalky scribblings that come and go like clouds in the sky?

* * * *

Naught but an imaginary dream, the smoke of time wafts where it will.

* * * *

Awareness is the ether in which earth, wind, water, and fire dance in consciousness.

* * * *

When is just enough just enough?

* * * *

Go Blank

* * * *

What is awareness but a bubble of immeasurable potential.

* * * *

Every mind a new genesis.

* * * *

And what indicators are you using to field that little play of delusion?

* * * *

It is your universe; explore it as you will.

* * * *

You have in the ultimate reality always been wrestling with your Self.

* * * *

Consciousness, it can be enjoyable, it can be painful, but not for more than a moment at a time.

* * * *

Immortality of the mortal kind.

* * * *

Looking back in the vague traces of memory, has not the awareness always been the same?

* * * *

The stew of mortality is daily stirred anew.

* * * *

We are all that which is the ultimate, but not in any way we think.

* * * *

A spoonful of anticipation is the best way to solve a problem.

* * * *

A well-rounded, science-based, agnostic education makes for intellectual sobriety.

* * * *

There is no figurative in the inquiry into Self.

* * * *

All fates are sculpted by the same wind.

* * * *

Life is best served raw.

* * * *

A Frankenstein world cannot be undone.

* * * *

Rest assured that your vanity and my vanity are equally absurd.

* * * *

It may be less about what you do than what you be.

* * * *

Any offer requires an acceptance for it not to die on the vine.

* * * *

Time is full of immortalized thinkers, many of whom were likely not all that likeable in person.

* * * *

Round and round the tent you may go, but your assumptions color the show.

* * * *

The winds that sculpt any mind-body are uniquely imagined.

* * * *

What is rational, and what is not rational, need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

* * * *

The things for which we settle in the much ado about nothing.

* * * *

That we relentlessly battle over differences in vibration, how silly is that?

* * * *

Do not try, do; do not imitate, be.

* * * *

If you have “woken up” to your satisfaction, who else is there to convince or please?

* * * *

Are you really what you think, are you really what you know?

* * * *

How can intolerance ever do anything but spin into more of the same?

* * * *

Normal is yet another time-bound concept, as real as any other ever is, ever was, will ever be.

* * * *

The best way to deal with problems is to anticipate them before they have a chance to bud.

* * * *

Ultimately you are as wacko as everyone else in this genetic lottery, so humble up, Pilgrim.

* * * *

Stardust in any other form, by any other name, does vibrate the same.

* * * *

Far larger than any puny vision this world has ever inspired.

* * * *

All differences are cast of the same stardust.

* * * *

Dissolve into the one mind where awareness is the eternal all and nothing.

* * * *

Count your blessings, for they may well be more than many can ever hope to be allotted.

* * * *

The creative moment is not something anticipated.

* * * *

No point complaining about that which you did not rise to change.

* * * *

No belief can achieve what you already are.

* * * *

To pretend to know what you cannot: How can you lie to your Self like that?

* * * *

What is the moment but a puff of nothing pretending something.

* * * *

Vague, selective, hazy, imprecise: all memories are like that.

* * * *

Was it you that did it, or you that witnessed the doing?

* * * *

The ripples of all things dystopian will be sloshing large before it is over.

* * * *

Technology only makes the lonely lonelier.

* * * *

Noteworthy to those relatively few who take interest in such things.

* * * *

The joy of the spontaneous-arbitrary is a dance with which only the free tango.

* * * *

Just another megalomaniac, yawn and ho-hum.

* * * *

And what is gray, and what is not gray, need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

* * * *

Your existence works the way your mind works.

* * * *

How can any translation be anything but subjective?

* * * *

It is as finite or infinite as you imagine it to be, and nothing all the while.

* * * *

If only for a short while.

* * * *

Not the same and exactly the same all the while.

* * * *

Any assertion that you are this or that, or that or this, is entirely imagined.

* * * *

If someone gives you his/her best, what more can you ask?

* * * *

It takes a matrix.

* * * *

Discern your fate ultimately no different than any other particle of stardust.

* * * *

Assumptions are not knowing.

* * * *

Passion is but the wind of mind.

* * * *

And what good does caring about so many things really do?

* * * *

Allow your Self to wander the unbidden trails.

* * * *

He who needs least has most; he who wants least endures all.

* * * *

Pass it on, or at least what you can.

* * * *

Perception rides the neuron trails, gradually sculpting them into their nature-nurture fate.

* * * *

And at what point would the wind ever think it existed?

* * * *

For what can any cynic hope but that this is a one-life stand?

* * * *

Dominos rarely fall one at a time, or slowly.

* * * *

Who is ever truly homeless within these carnal shores?

* * * *

How similar forgiveness and execution.

* * * *

No matter how you fill it, time passes in the does-not-matter, matter of it all.

* * * *

What is the sound of dominos falling?

* * * *

As if there is no tomorrow.

* * * *

Is your existence any more than a streaming sack of vaporous habits?

* * * *

What is nirvana but a Self-induced high.

* * * *

Keep listening, keep reading; it may make sense one of these daze.

* * * *

A world filled with media babies.

* * * *

Chances are you are the tool of one entitlement or another, likely many.

* * * *

Mind pouring out on paper.

* * * *

What is pointless? And what is not pointless? Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

* * * *

An awful lot of monkey in there.

* * * *

The world did not matter when your were young, why should it matter now?

* * * *

Of awareness and nothingness, how can they be distinguished as anything but one in the same.

* * * *

Why hold on to a lie?

* * * *

What is church but a lot of good walks missed.

* * * *

Every moment is the spontaneous combustion, the spontaneous selection, of the quantum fever.

* * * *

To whose black and white are you perchance referring?

* * * *

Cannot help a dream that will not help itself.

* * * *

Indifferent to all creation, you are.

* * * *

What is desire but fantasy that makes the mind-body go round and round in a bath of endorphins.

* * * *

You cannot have the one without the other.

* * * *

Why worship many gods or even one when you are that which is prior to all?

* * * *

Attachment to outcomes is a sure road to perdition.

* * * *

It all so does not matter.

* * * *

And what is caring, and what is not caring, need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

* * * *

If you wander the given moment untrammeled by thought, where are you but the eternal?

* * * *

You are irony, you are paradox, why entertain limitation?

* * * *

The Wanting Game: The no-life spent buying more of what was never needed in the first place.

* * * *

Scientific objectivity is flushed down the drain when funding dictates a self-serving outcome.

* * * *

And where, pray tell, is this duality to which your senses and mind are so inclined?

* * * *

It is imagination that consumes itself, as it is in awareness witnessed by its Self.

* * * *

The winds of consciousness are stilled by attention to the awareness through which it blows.

* * * *

Mental illness is the common denominator of the human paradigm.

* * * *

Was the fruit of the garden knowledge or pride, and is there a difference?

* * * *

A foolish, sometimes even dangerous thing, to assume responsibility for what another is thinking.

* * * *

Who can predict where evolution will take this ravaged garden.

* * * *

In the everything of all, what is left undone? What is not left undone?

* * * *

You are not the thought, you are not the sensation, the manifest theater is but a temporal cloak.

* * * *

Fear not naught, for how frightening can naught be?

* * * *

That you exist is entirely in the head that is not really yours.

* * * *

Always interesting how we enjoy, whether alone or together, hearing ourselves talk.

* * * *

Sometimes the intuitive, sometimes the counterintuitive.

* * * *

Every imaginable vanity skyrocketing exponentially.

* * * *

Discernment is all.

* * * *

Imagination feeds upon itself.

* * * *

Is there a fate that inspires you enough to give your life over to it?

* * * *

Is civilization really anything more than organized savagery slathered with pretense?

* * * *

Let us count the ways want and need incessantly appear and disappear.

* * * *

So many stirred pots so quickly forgotten.

* * * *

Products of evolution, of natural selection, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

S/he who is master of his/her breath is master of his/her universe.

* * * *

What do you and a worm have in common if not the clay of all origins.

* * * *

Projection is all.

* * * *

What else do you so desperately not need?

* * * *

You live the given life, and history does with you what it will.

* * * *

Awareness, the mother of all dimensions.

* * * *

Another day of the mind in time be done-done-gone-gone-long-long.

* * * *

Life is a game that only matters while it is being played, and more to some than others.

* * * *

We are all beginners here; get over your Self.

* * * *

You are of the source of all things, of all dimensions, of all known and unknown.

* * * *

Losing one or more of the senses can certainly change the context of one’s existence.

* * * *

Pleasure, what of it?

* * * *

Anything created by the mind is of dubious value in the ultimate view of things.

* * * *

Call it feedback.

* * * *

Open up to the vast maw of awareness, inexplicable host to consciousness.

* * * *

And every day you slog on in your little dream of time.

* * * *

All are punish'd.

* * * *

The desire to continue must cease if fear, co-creator of the human mind, is to loose its fell grip.

* * * *

Religion and philosophy are really nothing more than much ado over nothing.

* * * *

What is cold, what is hot, but mortal limitation.

* * * *

You are the origin, but be very still to discern its no-paradigm paradigm.

* * * *

Oh, indifferent quantum.

* * * *

Neither young nor old, eternally unborn you are.

* * * *

What goals can ever long matter to the mind bent on process its Self?

* * * *

How important anything else when nothing will do?

* * * *

Life is cruel, and more for some than others.

* * * *

You are as likely as forgotten or misplaced or misperceived in their heads as they are in yours.

* * * *

It is your mind; kick the other out.

* * * *

What small gods are divined by the synergy of any given mob.

* * * *

We chat up, we chase, whatever interests us.

* * * *

It is always the first time in the sunshine of the eternal mind.

* * * *

Be formless.

* * * *

You keep coming back, why?

* * * *

Creation is a never-ending spigot of stardust streaming.

* * * *

How can you prove the obvious? And why would you need to?

* * * *

All problems have a solution … creation … preservation … destruction … all have their moment.

* * * *

History streams on, its passing untarnished by wisdom.

* * * *

Gravity is a jealous lover.

* * * *

The no-knowing mind knows all on the long and winding road.

* * * *

How wearing cruelty and malice.

* * * *

An ideal only means you are not really serious about it.

* * * *

Death is ultimately neither figurative or literal because that which is born can never die.

* * * *

The crows are flying, winter is coming.

* * * *

Faith abides delusion much more happily than doubt.

* * * *

What is not blasphemy to someone somewhere?

* * * *

What you have got to go through to become your Self, Jesus Christos, what a friggin’ bother.

* * * *

Be the sugar unspun.

* * * *

Another moment closer to that last wheezing breath.

* * * *

The truest believer, the truest faith, is agnostic.

* * * *

Veering away from the time-bound is a rare feat in any mind.

* * * *

So much history to ignore in these our modern times.

* * * *

What is the world but a ceaseless battle between the vested interests of every rhyme and reason.

* * * *

No limits but what consciousness imagines.

* * * *

What has an asshole got to do to get some respect around here?

* * * *

All that stuff you own: How much you really need, how much do you really use?

* * * *

The no-mountain mountain stands tall in your mind.

* * * *

Emotion is a foggy assumption.

* * * *

Reverence? Pray tell, for what, when nothing rules the roost.

* * * *

The future has so many issues, it does not even know how many issues it has.

* * * *

Every life an epic.

* * * *

Animals with consciousness, a dangerous combination, indeed.

* * * *

Mastering the mind, what greater challenge?

* * * *

We done killed off just about everything but our own mind.

* * * *

What a fool to be so wise.

* * * *

Sustenance, security, and procreation are the primary directives common to all life forms.

* * * *

A paradigm-shifter, indeed, if you have the eye for it.

* * * *

You think you are … You think you are … You think you are …

* * * *

After all that, this.

* * * *

What is ego but a psychic barrier built by imagination.

* * * *

One is not without the other.

* * * *

Why would you ever let anyone think for you?

* * * *

Much a-doing about nothing.

* * * *

Every generation pays one price or another for its little window of history’s unfolding.

* * * *

The banter of fools is remedied by solitude.

* * * *

It is much less about who you were than who you are.

* * * *

No one conquers a mountain any more than an ant does a picnic table.

* * * *

You were never born; what is to celebrate?

* * * *

Only in imagination are dreams made true.

* * * *

Takes a lot of discipline to live life well, and even that is no guarantee.

* * * *

Any offer is only as good as its acceptance.

* * * *

Inanity hath no bounds.

* * * *

What is a full life but more to forget.

* * * *

That new is always better is dubious, even shallow notion; the same with old.

* * * *

You can only see as far as imagination allows.

* * * *

Meaning and purpose, why?

* * * *

Life is a gift in which you best be present to win.

* * * *

Yes, folks, it can happen here.

* * * *

This is one whacked out dream, of that there is no denial.

* * * *

Judge and you will find yourself wanting.

* * * *

The ancients painted the broad strokes: modern times color in the nuances.

* * * *

No one is teacher for all.

* * * *

It be a tail wagging the dog world.

* * * *

Wisdom is the game of fools.

* * * *

Is that so?

* * * *

The agnostic mind – completely open to the given moment – is actually the highest spiritual state.

* * * *

What is a bell curve but the graph of any given Ponzi Scheme.

* * * *

Open your mind up to the great expanse of awareness, and you will see it all you.

* * * *


* * * *

Why feel the need to be defined by some other’s limits?

* * * *

Eventually even the emptiness is empty.

* * * *

The illicit you eschew today, is a clear conscience tomorrow.

* * * *

Each of us has our own fate in mind.

* * * *

Why would you not take an all-inclusive galactic view in your exploration of this mystery?

* * * *

A quietude emerges, and the lotus mind blossoms.

* * * *

Seriously, how could anything ever really matter?

* * * *

Humankind’s ascension to the summit of the food chain is a bloody heap, indeed.

* * * *

The lie that imagination built is founded upon temporal whimsy.

* * * *

Do not cower at death, the Reaper has no power but through fear.

* * * *

Matter is as matter does, no matter all the while.

* * * *

Good and evil will always require great insight to discern the lack of difference between them.

* * * *

What is beauty but a promise destined to be broken.

* * * *

Empty or full – Empty is as empty does, full is as full does – it is what it is.

* * * *

World weariness is just running out of adrenaline for absurdity.

* * * *

Life is a hardy brew.

* * * *

Natural selection, do not leave home without it.

* * * *

Feel the Reaper’s breath, soft upon the back of your neck, just below the hairline.

* * * *

Every life form but a means to procreate its genomic sequence.

* * * *

After all that book learning – all those stories, all those facts, all those tools – what next?

* * * *

What is it you so badly want that you will ride the bucking tailspin of the fear it inspires?

* * * *

If you wish to lead, you must become very hard, therefore Buddha.

* * * *

Why not you?

* * * *

What to do when the mind is no longer hungry.

* * * *

How full are you, how much room for more into that which can never be filled?

* * * *

Without imagination, what can there possibly be?

* * * *

Yes, it can happen here.

* * * *

Can you see, can you hear, can you smell, can you taste, can you feel, what you do not know?

* * * *

If you are willing to be honest with your Self, trust that inner voice.

* * * *

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, are merely variations of the ever-present now.

* * * *

All self-imagery is but the lie of imagination.

* * * *

Wit is as witty as irony and paradox allow.

* * * *

To doubt, or not to doubt, that is the question.

* * * *

What is need? What is want? And how full is the closet between?

* * * *

Die another now.

* * * *

You are all things, and none of them all the while.

* * * *

Even the gutter has a path to glory.

* * * *

Every life form great to small is but a pattern, a quantum receiving unit in the slot allotted.

* * * *

Justify your existence? Why? And to whom?

* * * *

Do nothing well.

* * * *

The show was all but over once Nature became a resource and its vastness owned.

* * * *

No man is an island but he is.

* * * *

What happened at any point of your dreamtime only matters if you hold onto it.

* * * *

Humankind, the ultimate natural disaster.

* * * *

It may or may not be necessarily so much what you do, as the attention to which you give it.

* * * *

Kill them all, no mercy.

* * * *

Is it arrogant to think such thoughts, or arrogant not to?

* * * *

Consuming experience like a waterwheel.

* * * *

Just because you are disturbed hearing something, does not mean it is not true.

* * * *

Nothing is like that.

* * * *

No need to pretend something is what it is not, never has been, and will never be.

* * * *

You will care for as long as you feel like caring.

* * * *

A koan is the answer to that for which no answer is available.

* * * *

The fiercest, most frightening demon is the other born of your own imagination.

* * * *

The harshest lesson of any entitlement is that all someday end.

* * * *

The pen is only mightier than the sword as long as it is sheathed.

* * * *

Sometimes the intuitive, sometime the counterintuitive, irony and paradox at the helm.

* * * *

The superficial always offers an enticing distraction.

* * * *

Why would you need to be any form, much less a human being, ever again?

* * * *

More of what you never wanted that badly in the first place.

* * * *

Fear, where does it take you, and what is the point?

* * * *

Keep throwing stones into the still pool, and pretty soon it becomes a raging sea.

* * * *

What part can be but in the whole, discern it or not.

* * * *

The eternal awareness, is prior to manifestation, prior to consciousness.

* * * *

Despite what the sensory feed suggests, the universe has never been a linear creation.

* * * *

Life happens until death sees fit to pop the blister.

* * * *

To questions where there are no answers, silence.

* * * *

There is no mind.

* * * *

What is a seer but a seeker minus two letters.

* * * *

Even a gazillion incarnations is ever the same youness.

* * * *

How tiring to pretend interest in things that no longer interest you.

* * * *

It is an awareness too profound for the linear mind caught in time to even begin to conceive.

* * * *

The dead live only in the minds of those who remember.

* * * *

Across every play of mind for all time, it has ever been the same.

* * * *

A gift? A curse? Good? Bad? What difference, really?

* * * *

Only in the stillness of mind is vanity waylaid.

* * * *

Wander empty.

* * * *

Time is death, life is eternal.

* * * *

Was oblivion really so vapid that you had to do this to your Self?

* * * *

There is no more: So it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

What is any history but vanity given the weight of time.

* * * *

Who, what, where, when, why, how … will be the last man or woman or child standing?

* * * *

Do either abused or entitled children ever easily fare well?

* * * *

Nothing stays the same, everything stays the same.

* * * *

Suffer well, friend, suffer well.

* * * *

Since when has any god’s will not been the confabulation of one mind or another?

* * * *

All too predictable for words.

* * * *

Questions without answer hear only their own echoes, and believe them true.

* * * *

Revenge has a long memory, and payback can be meted out in many ways in many tempos.

* * * *

The abyss equally grinds all notions into the indivisible they always were.

* * * *

To what itsy-bitsy slice, to what itsy-bitsy smidgen, of the infinite does the finite pertain?

* * * *

Eternity is an indifferent bull ride upon which no form long stays astride.

* * * *

Both truths and lies are spun from the same nothingness of imagination.

* * * *

Any given technology is only as useful as the person using it.

* * * *

What are words, what is language, but the boundaries of concept, the limitations of imagination.

* * * *

There are apt to be a few splinters where you are straddling that fence.

* * * *

Arguing over which imaginary conceptual framework is better, how pointless is that?

* * * *

Nothing has ever happened.

* * * *

That most esoteric doubt launches many a mind into parts unknown.

* * * *

What can exist without the mind melding its eternal creation.

* * * *

Me, my Self, and I in the most absolute sense.

* * * *

Red pill, blue pill, all the same, just a different vision of it.

* * * *

And then the cancer turned upon itself.

* * * *

Does it ring true? the only real question.

* * * *

You are only as free as you allow others to be.

* * * *

What is the whole mind? What is not the whole mind?

* * * *

Why give a gnat’s ass for some meaningless confabulation?

* * * *

Once upon a time, in a now long ago …

* * * *

In the expanses of eternity, no sound long echoes.

* * * *

Wisdom is the flower of doubt, and doubt the esoteric seed.

* * * *

The seed of doubt, how will it flower?

* * * *

Awareness, through which speeding bullets and rays of light, must pass, to be.

* * * *

What is a the universe but a vast and ever-expanding petri dish.

* * * *

For everything there is a price for which your mind-body must pay.

* * * *

To be born you must someday die: Is the life you are living worth the price of the ticket?

* * * *

Chew on it however you will, the tasteless is prior to all sensory notions.

* * * *

Details and subtleties, how they do create hells in their rabbit holes.

* * * *

Passion is the root of all evil.

* * * *

Everything appears and disappears within the indivisibility in which all eternally abide.

* * * *

Look with the inner eye at the feast of nothingness set out before you.

* * * *

Smoke gets in your eye.

* * * *

Killing each other over one tribal set or another, how ridiculous is that?

* * * *

How great can the Great Spirit be if it is locked in any form?

* * * *

Discern the indivisible: See it, hear it, taste it, smell it, feel it, be it.

* * * *

How is it that what is, is not enough for so many?

* * * *

So many lies history has fed you.

* * * *

How can that which is ever-changing ever be real?

* * * *

Desire and fear are nothing more than habits of the sensory mind-body.

* * * *

Alone, be.

* * * *

To discern whether or not there is mind without mythos is an epic journey of its own.

* * * *

Cut off the head of desire, and what is there left to dread?

* * * *

Forever is nothing more than a projection of vanity.

* * * *

Love is best done unconditionally or not at all.

* * * *

Morality and ethics are the antithesis of our Darwinian roots.

* * * *

A cosmos of one.

* * * *

Fair, the other four-letter F-word.

* * * *

Curiosity killed the cat, and it will not hesitate to take your number, too.

* * * *

Awareness is a still sea through which consciousness is the only churning.

* * * *

History is an albatross, sometimes boon, sometimes bane, to any given modern world.

* * * *

You are not the vehicle; the vehicle is not you.

* * * *

To quantum, or not to quantum, that is the question.

* * * *

Awareness, now, what more is there, really?

* * * *

History is only rarely written by the losers, and even more rarely by the dead.

* * * *

What is any history but a collection of half-truths all too often given cultish credence.

* * * *

You must navigate your Self home.

* * * *

What a show: indivisibly divisible, perfectly imperfect, consciously unconscious.

* * * *

Language is but sound steeped in concept.

* * * *

What is death but a dreamless sleep blanketed by every sort of notion.

* * * *

Ugly generally only gets uglier, and beauty, too.

* * * *

All this bother, for nothing.

* * * *

Despite all efforts to the contrary, there is not even one universe the same.

* * * *

All life must play out its nature-nurture, and the reflection into which is cast.

* * * *

Resistance is futile, and all delusions about it meaningless.

* * * *

Individuality is the assumption of imagination, as is everything else.

* * * *

Why call it anything?

* * * *

It is the differences that prove how alike all things truly are.

* * * *

Self-promotion on a quantum scale.

* * * *

History is chock-full of nebulous assumptions, about which our attachment harbors few bounds.

* * * *

The instinctual mind caught up in consciousness is a voracious beast.

* * * *

So many things that just do not matter, and never did, never will.

* * * *

Your universe is your muse.

* * * *

The voice of godness is within all.

* * * *

Inhale deeply, inhale mindfully, exhale fully, exhale mindfully.

* * * *

What is great courage but great disregard for fear’s imbedded shadow.

* * * *

Any given life is shaped by the courage with which it is faced.

* * * *

Just putting in the time in whatever way the serendipity calls is my lawless.

* * * *

Every mind is drawn to a fate of its own making.

* * * *

There can be nothing without something, but there cannot be something without nothing.

* * * *

Awareness is the source code of the underlying formless.

* * * *

The mystery of existence is short no matter how long, and long no matter how short.

* * * *

You are richer than you think.

* * * *

The only wake imagination churns is the roiling of illusion and delusion.

* * * *

The hydrogen bomb was invented by whoever picked up that first rock.

* * * *

Going on and on and on to some bitter end … What point?

* * * *

Nothing is as nothing does.

* * * *

And just what does this monkey-mind keep thinking it can hold on to?

* * * *

Why do so many people force others to lie to them so often and so well?

* * * *

The universe requires that every ephemeral particle play out its ever-evolving manifest role.

* * * *

The immeasurable is immeasurable, no matter how it is spun.

* * * *

The mind is a prison of its own imaginary design.

* * * *

In the ultimate reality, you have all along been drinking your own pee and eating your own shit.

* * * *

Self-righteousness is by and large marinated in hypocrisy.

* * * *

Everything is illusion … Yes, all of it.

* * * *

A secret is not a secret unless it is kept secret.

* * * *

We are all narcissistic hedonists trying to get away with it.

* * * *

The question "What is Truth?" has no answer minds known can ever fathom.

* * * *

The indivisible I Am is a formless thingless.

* * * *

And these thoughts, too, undiscerning minds may well usurp in ways beyond counting.

* * * *

To feed the beast, or not to feed the beast, that is the question.

* * * *

When it comes to the mystery, what explanation can ever really mean anything?

* * * *

There is only one monkey in the world: one monkey, with many faces.

* * * *

The pieces to any game belie all the rules that move them.

* * * *

Let us note the vast chasm between tourists and travelers.

* * * *

Are you who-what-where-when-why-how you think you are, really?

* * * *

A never-ending curiosity how much drama can be fabricated upon things that do not really matter.

* * * *

Irony and paradox are the soulmates of absurdity.

* * * *

So many memories that you cannot remember them all.

* * * *

Perception is the root of all vanity.

* * * *

There is no knowing what cannot be known.

* * * *

What are dreams but the subterranean rumblings of the three vanities: the Me, the Myself, the I.

* * * *

More, still more, of what you never needed in the first place.

* * * *

The scientific mind is ever-watchful, prone to questions without conclusion.

* * * *

What is sane, what is not sane, and who cares?

* * * *

Humankind will keep rushing to the brink until there is no brink left to rush.

* * * *

Regarding inner peace, there is no controlling the mind, only observing it closely.

* * * *

What is death but the end of a universe.

* * * *

More to it than meets the eye.

* * * *

The Great Quantum giveth, and the Great Quantum taketh away.

* * * *

To do nothing is the greatest industry ever devised.

* * * *

If you do not do it, why should anyone else?

* * * *

The personal self is but a reflection of the impersonal Self.

* * * *

Embrace the nothingness you truly are.

* * * *

What more can be said of good and evil, but that they exist only in imagination.

* * * *

The mystery is a big or small as you envision it.

* * * *

If you were not here to witness it, where exactly would your version of a universe be?

* * * *

The invulnerability of oneness.

* * * *

The moment, space-time it is called, passes whether you attend to it or not.

* * * *

Judge, and you shall be judged, likely mostly by yourself.

* * * *

The world is an equal-opportunity graveyard to all vanity great or small.

* * * *

Nothing, be.

* * * *

Yet another statistic in science’s long and endless trudge into oblivion.

* * * *

Here we all are waking up to another day of pretending it all real and important.

* * * *

You are here now, so be here now.

* * * *

Life can be rather a bother, and more bother, and even more bother, can it not?

* * * *

What is death but the physiological ending to what never really was in the first place.

* * * *

What indifferent beasts, the Fates.

* * * *

Cast away, Matey

* * * *

Death erases all pretense.

* * * *

The veil of space-time masks the stillness in which it eternally emanates.

* * * *

Life in a nutshell: To be continued, to be endured, to be undone.

* * * *

So many things awry, the dominos quake at their fall.

* * * *

Every age is modern, every age is civilized.

* * * *

Maybe tomorrow, or even a day or three after.

* * * *

All in your head, all out there, nothing makes sense, nothing makes no sense, all the while.

* * * *

Arbitrary is as arbitrary does.

* * * *

What is any attachment but imaginary notion.

* * * *

How can truth ever be discerned by those who will not give the streaming moment their full attention?

* * * *

Your perception is as real and unreal as anyone else's in this quantum dreamtime.

* * * *

The human species cannot fuck with nature and expect to get away with it forever.

* * * *

How can the mystery witness its Self, but through one dream of time or another?

* * * *

The world has an unending array of mirages to continually entice your absorption in its grand illusion.

* * * *

Only in the heart of awareness can the mystery even vaguely grasp its Self.

* * * *

Resting in Peace.

* * * *

What is life but solitary confinement in sensory dreamtime.

* * * *

Time, an imaginary construct since the dawn of mind.

* * * *

If joy is the absence of sorrow, and sorrow the absence of joy, what is the absence of both?

* * * *

Round and round we all go in the rat wheel of speculation.

* * * *

It is, and is not, whatever you think it is; seek and you shall find.

* * * *

So many thoughts, so little time.

* * * *

The schism is first and foremost in your mind; it is up to you to heal it.

* * * *

Is faith anything more than dread translated into the delusion of hope?

* * * *

Your existence is but an imaginary reverie playing out in the synapses of the mind-body.

* * * *

Awareness, the font of consciousness, ever the same.

* * * *

Void are you but for the swirl of imagination.

* * * *

Nobody cares about you as much as you, and if you do not, well, so be it.

* * * *

The quantum faceless is not bound to any face, any form, any creed, any path.

* * * *

The same indivisibility within and without all.

* * * *

Nothing takes on an entirely new meaning once you see it for what it is.

* * * *

If objectivity is possible, it will not include you.

* * * *

Garbage in; diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and cancer, out.

* * * *

It is a god-eat-god universe, no matter how you measure it.

* * * *

What system can ever serve long with glass as its underpinning?

* * * *

Alas that life does not come with a rewind button.

* * * *

What judgment can awareness, need awareness, conveyer of all dreams, ever muster?

* * * *

Awareness is the witness to any sensory devise any universe might possibly create.

* * * *

The true church has no building.

* * * *

Yet another parable for an audience never born.

* * * *

Humankind seems incapable of any other mode of behavior but squabbling self-interest.

* * * *

The intractable doubter settles for nothing less than the absoluteness of that which cannot be known.

* * * *

Many a someday never arrives for many a somebody,

* * * *

The wolf will find the sheep seeking its fang.

* * * *

The art of the chameleon should not be lost upon any whose theater requires vigilance.

* * * *

The terrible horrors of human history, even demons sometimes shudder to fathom.

* * * *

There they go again playing the pedestal game.

* * * *

You get plus-or-minus ten years of innocence, and then spend whatever's left paying for it.

* * * *

Yet another day in the never-ending dialectic.

* * * *

Even the most impenetrable rock cannot withstand eternity for more than an instant.

* * * *

And what will you do when all that glory is but a fading memory?

* * * *

Empty in, empty out, empty every who-what-where-when-why-how between and betwixt.

* * * *

You do not do nothing; you be nothing.

* * * *

Peace is right here, right now, if you have the wit to endure it.

* * * *

What is life but organized goo?

* * * *

The everything and the nothing is built upon irony and paradox.

* * * *

How many zeroes will satiate your greed?

* * * *

What is death but the end of time, the end of yesterday and tomorrow.

* * * *

The metaphor without is the metaphor within.

* * * *

Assumptions, all.

* * * *

What point to spending your existence trying to please people you will never even meet?

* * * *

God’s will and your will, how are they not the same?

* * * *

What is so absorbing about the idolatry of an imaginary god in the human psyche?

* * * *

‘Tis the rare beast who strides across the universe in his mind’s eye.

* * * *

Organized religions are designed to make people stupid and weak.

* * * *

Is any history ever anything more than a collection of vague perceptions?

* * * *

As forever as never can ever be.

* * * *

The babblery of humankind is unceasing and unrepentant.

* * * *

No harbor can withstand the tsunamis of time.

* * * *

How aware is awareness without the wind of consciousness to create and explore its empty expanse?

* * * *

Pretty hard to see clearly when your head is up your ass.

* * * *

Another day entertaining the void.

* * * *

Holding on to nothing in your mind is not as easy as it sounds.

* * * *

How convenient.

* * * *

Educational systems cannot help but fail if learning is not universally valued.

* * * *

The boundaries of imagination are … well … imaginary.

* * * *

Abide where life and death are the same.

* * * *

The immeasurable is immeasurable, no matter the measure.

* * * *

The gods and goddesses of the silver screen walk on high among we mere mortals.

* * * *

The fourth quarter is a rough quarter in a game you are bound to lose.

* * * *

Take the high road: Cleaner air, better view, less traffic, and maybe even peace of mind.

* * * *

Howdy, bye-bye.

* * * *

We have tool-made ourselves into a corner.

* * * *

Which has more value, which is more real, which is more likely: happiness or peace?

* * * *

Obligation to what?

* * * *

As we are judged by the friends we keep, we are judged by the history we allow.

* * * *

It is done when the Reaper says it is done.

* * * *

What need for religion for those who have discerned truth within.

* * * *

Eternal life is yours for the being.

* * * *

Who knows, who cares, what any other thinks of you.

* * * *

Words are such inadequate tools for such an eternal task.

* * * *

It has always been you.

* * * *

Nonexistence playing existence.

* * * *

All potentials of consciousness are revealed by the choices in which they find harbor.

* * * *

With every breath, another note in eternity’s magnum opus.

* * * *

And why would monkeys wearing lipstick be any less ridiculous than pigs doing the same?

* * * *

To wander effortlessly is not as easy as it might sound.

* * * *

There is not point in playing a part in which only the other is interested.

* * * *

Is it he with the most toys who wins, or he who has enough?

* * * *

Denial of the truth has never nor will ever change the truth.

* * * *

Awareness has no hunger.

* * * *

Seriously, folks, is there really any reason to continue playing it out at this level of absurdity?

* * * *

The known mind is a finite pattern; awareness, infinite potential.

* * * *

Drugs only alter consciousness; the witness is ever the same.

* * * *

Another day in the whoever-whatever-whenever-whyever-wherever-however enigma.

* * * *

Find a happy woman, and it will be because she is a man.

* * * *

War is not the theater for mercy or compassion or remorse or forgiveness.

* * * *

Yet another arbitrary binge.

* * * *

There is nothing to be figured out.

* * * *

How can you arrive when you never really left?

* * * *

Words are not the thing, and the thing is not the thing, either.

* * * *

The masks and costumes may change, but it is ever the same sun, ever the same monkey-mind.

* * * *

What is anarchy but an unbound state of mind, the witness unleashed.

* * * *

You only think you exist.

* * * *

It is not a universe, it is a monkeyverse.

* * * *

To discern the universe is all in your head, leaves unanswered, where is your mind?

* * * *

Will you die hungry or full?

* * * *

That which is, offers nothing, gives nothing, and asks nothing in return.

* * * *

The only way is forward, whatever way forward is.

* * * *

Unwind the clock of time; be unto awareness as it is unto you.

* * * *

A mind given over to the indivisible is no mind at all.

* * * *

Enough rarely is.

* * * *

Wake up to the awareness and see what you truly are and are not.

* * * *

The discerning universe is in every mind unique.

* * * *

The one in all is the all in one.

* * * *

The end of desire, and its dancing partner, fear, is peace.

* * * *

Laughter is the best medicine if you can swallow it.

* * * *

It might be embarrassing if you choose to care what anybody thinks.

* * * *

Better living through chemistry.

* * * *

Peace is in every step if it is upon the ground you tread.

* * * *

What is the universe but the frothy wake of the sensory mind.

* * * *

The perfection of all things quantum is in the awareness prior to consciousness.

* * * *

An early exit is a nice way to avoid all the funerals sure to follow.

* * * *

Yet another day of wandering the universal oblivion.

* * * *

Glimpses of eternity are gleaned by the finite mind through a sensory fog.

* * * *

The nuanced view is only a shade of the squinty arbitrary.

* * * *

The measurable is the immeasurable all the while.

* * * *

A mind awash in differences is a mind waylaid by judgment.

* * * *

The greatest and least common factors are ultimately the same, despite all the zeroes and such.

* * * *

You are your own exploratorium.

* * * *

Be anonymous within and without, free of all claims.

* * * *

The indivisible is … well … indivisible.

* * * *

Embrace your universe whole, or carve it into pieces, no matter to anyone but you.

* * * *

Does anyone really know what time it is?

* * * *

God is a preposition.

* * * *

Time does not exist but through the minds that give it reality.

* * * *

Heaven and Hell are the same thoroughfare, left to the given eye to discern the difference.

* * * *

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

Ignorance will always find a way to distort and maul the truth to its own ends.

* * * *

And this, too, shall be forgotten.

* * * *

The great secret is neither great nor secret to those who give it their full attention.

* * * *

To dial in is to dial out.

* * * *

You do not need to organize what is right in front of you.

* * * *

Irony and paradox in every step.

* * * *

That you exist as anything more than a figment of imagination is an assertion of the same.

* * * *

It is your life; live it as you will.

* * * *

You are but a slice of eternity’s indivisible electromagnetic rainbow.

* * * *

Consumption is all.

* * * *

A slow-motion train wreck.

* * * *

Doubt opens the door to truth; dogma is not required.

* * * *

It was probably well past the point of no-return well over ten thousand years ago.

* * * *

Why worry? You are dead no matter what you do.

* * * *

Distill the nectar from the dung as the dream allows.

* * * *

If you must speculate, take it to the farthest reaches your imagination will allow.

* * * *

We must all face the consequences of our own law.

* * * *

Your universe is your teacher, and it is a many-faced mystery.

* * * *

The doubter doubts until all doubting is done.

* * * *

The world is afire, and there is nothing to be done but witness its ravaging flame.

* * * *

Is there life out there in the universe? Who wants to know?

* * * *

The burden you carry is as serious as your imagination makes it.

* * * *

What is eternal life but being born again and again and again each and every moment.

* * * *

And why would you be concerned about that?

* * * *

Nothing exists or ever existed but what you imagine existed.

* * * *

Be in it but not of it.

* * * *

No, you are not required to give megalomaniacs your attention, undivided or otherwise.

* * * *

In what context do you daily dwell?

* * * *

To be mindful, or not to be mindful, that is the question.

* * * *

A lot of shoulda-coulda-woulda’s in any given life, no doubt.

* * * *

The heights to which humankind subscribes is an interminable mound of crap.

* * * *

What is the purpose of any culture, but to mold the young into its version of inanity.

* * * *

To stand alone is the highest stage from which to discern reality.

* * * *

Each mind a meme unto its Self.

* * * *

Awareness is the origin, the source, the fountain, the portal, of all mystery.

* * * *

The script will out.

* * * *

Nothing to do, nothing to be, but that which all seers see.

* * * *

You are here-now and not here-now all the while.

* * * *

Remembering to forget, forgetting to remember, a snake eating its own tail.

* * * *

The doubted path reigns supreme.

* * * *

Is there any label that does not in at least small part apply?

* * * *

There is no heaven or hell but what imagination decrees.

* * * *

Assume nothing.

* * * *

Allowing funding to politicize science, well, that is just plain wrong from any get-go.

* * * *

The raison d'être of smokescreens is to blind all to the truth within.

* * * *

About reflecting upon their thoughts, some are more subtle than others.

* * * *

Who is the you who calls anything yours?

* * * *

The remorseless tick-tick-tick measures eternity real.

* * * *

Spirit and mind and body do not always have the same agenda.

* * * *

How can you be homeless once you are always home.

* * * *

Mother Nature can be a brutal taskmaster, but her law is, without exception, equal for one and all.

* * * *

Yet another here-now in the guise of time.

* * * *

You in yet another form; fascinating with a yawn.

* * * *

Bell-curving the fourth dimension.

* * * *

The rules of the game do not change for anyone or anything.

* * * *

Churning through the clock face of time.

* * * *

Thank you, Jesus, what would we do without Christian guilt?

* * * *

Nothing, doing.

* * * *

Eyes of innocence inevitably give way to the eyes of age.

* * * *

'Tis meme-ish faire.

* * * *

The alonelies strike again.

* * * *

To discern the serenity, the grace, in the ever-present moment is the task set before you.

* * * *

We are all just doing the busy-busy until the coroner shows up.

* * * *

Politicizing a fact does not change the fact.

* * * *

There is no god but that awareness which peers out from within.

* * * *

There are the quick, the lucky, and the dead.

* * * *

The things we will never know are well beyond counting.

* * * *

History is the albatross every culture hangs upon its young.

* * * *

It may well matter less what you do, than the awareness with which you do it.

* * * *

The entire human drama boils down to me-myself-and-I.

* * * *

All assumptions are the breadbasket of delusion.

* * * *

You can never escape or change what you truly are.

* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how are you, but an imaginary, conditioned frame of reference.

* * * *

What is punctuation but road signs of the writer’s intent.

* * * *

Original sin, or original separation?

* * * *

And you are it and it is you.

* * * *

Living and complete and utter surrender to the beingness, what else is there for the sannyasi?

* * * *

We are slaves to our own ignorance.

* * * *

Even if it is not real, we love the story, if not the storyteller.

* * * *

To simply be, as all other creatures are in this garden world, is the highest state.

* * * *

Your version of a universe exists only because you are here to witness it.

* * * *

There is just too little time to be caught up with the minions of absurdity.

* * * *

Buku, indeed.

* * * *

Cannot save anybody who will not save themselves.

* * * *

Living the dream.

* * * *

The analogy without is the analogy within.

* * * *

Any given flower only attracts the given bee for as long as its enticing essence thrives.

* * * *

Let us count the daze as we wander though the maze.

* * * *

It is the body that is born, the body that endures, the body that dies, not you.

* * * *

Life, it’ll kill ya.

* * * *

A bit confusing, not the first time, and likely not the last.

* * * *

Your universe and everything in it is whatever you think it is.

* * * *

Who knows? Who cares? Who anything?

* * * *

And in complete and utter aloneness, where are you, where are you not?

* * * *

And then what happens?

* * * *

Nothing can be lost or saved, to be lost or saved.

* * * *

Do nothing as often as possible.

* * * *

There is much you cannot learn from words.

* * * *

New is old and old is new, only in the ever-changing hues of conscious stew.

* * * *

The god born of imagination is no god at all.

* * * *

Anything has a way of becoming true if there is a selling opportunity.

* * * *

Same sun, different day.

* * * *

Death is but another universe collapsing upon its Self.

* * * *

Ascertain the timeless moment, and the universe will discern its way.

* * * *

Monkey verse for the monkeyverse.

* * * *

Eternity does not even give a shrug whether you brand it with some conceptualized sound, or not.

* * * *

In awareness, be.

* * * *

You may be guilty by someone else’s standards, but are you guilty in your own?

* * * *

Imagined as it all is, some states of mind are far easier to endure.

* * * *

Do you really know your own mind, or are you nothing more than a dittohead meme?

* * * *

Neither a follower nor disciple be: Equals stand equal.

* * * *

Embrace absurdity.

* * * *

How can any god born of limited thinking ever be god?

* * * *

How indifferent the genetic lottery to the cruel fates it so often casts.

* * * *

The ever-shifting consciousness is the granite and quicksand of imagination.

* * * *

How many masters of Wall Street daily whip themselves?

* * * *

You are your own best friend, you are your own worst enemy.

* * * *

Ain’t nothing holy about a holy war.

* * * *

What does not kill you today will take another stab at it tomorrow.

* * * *

Dualistic delusion is so much easier than having to actually think for your Self.

* * * *

How ludicrous to believe some deity is tracking your every move, your every thought.

* * * *

It has taken you this long to figure that out.

* * * *

Behind the eyes, the stillness of eternal awareness, if the frontal lobe can allow it.

* * * *

They just will not stop breeding.

* * * *

That you are this indivisible quantum mystery is the most obvious of factless facts.

* * * *

History daily playing out its sorry future.

* * * *

Some politics are local, some are regional, some are national, some are global, all are connected.

* * * *

Another day in the war of mind.

* * * *

Nothing like conflict of one degree or another to stir the blood.

* * * *

Uncare the despair.

* * * *

We are all creators of our own little assylums.

* * * *

All translations are false harbors.

* * * *

Where there is no world, no universe, you are.

* * * *

You are the indifferent quantum.

* * * *

To live in past, to live in future, is but the living face of death.

* * * *

Quantum dream, quantum dreamer.

* * * *

The joy of real work, of real play, how can you explain it?

* * * *

The light turns on, the light turns off, we are all suns in our own time.

* * * *

To realize time does not exist requires pretending it does.

* * * *

Is it arrogant to see it this way, or arrogant not to?

* * * *

The razor’s edge slices and dices many ways.

* * * *

How many die still ravenous for the insatiable more, more, more?

* * * *

How many things have you done or not done because of what others think or may think?

* * * *

No, you do not have to do it that way; you can break the pattern.

* * * *

Fat is an insatiable state of mind, and more than a few die hungry.

* * * *

If you are invoking dogma, you are missing the point.

* * * *

Anticipation is the harbinger of dread.

* * * *

What is your frame of reference but the universe in which you abide.

* * * *

Sense every sense until it makes sense.

* * * *

The inevitable is inevitable.

* * * *

So be it.

* * * *

There will be consequences.

* * * *

Is that voice, that record playing over and over in your mind, really you?

* * * *

Universes are like assholes, everybody has one.

* * * *

The world, the universe, are nothing more than a set of ideas, a bag of imaginary notions.

* * * *

No lie becomes true no matter how many times it is repeated.

* * * *

You are That I Am: Be That I Am.

* * * *

How easily dogma corrupts any thought into one mayhem or another.

* * * *

Wit or shit, it happens.

* * * *

Give the moment your undying attention, for it is quickly forever come and gone.

* * * *

What a clingy thing the mind shaped of time.

* * * *

Yet another cult consolidating its ways and means into being able to call itself a religion.

* * * *

Not everyone is destined for greatness, whatever that is.

* * * *

“What if?” is always a nebulous diversion.

* * * *

Attitude is all: Captivity or liberation, every moment you in mind choose.

* * * *

There is no rewind button, nor is there a fast-forward; there is only endurance.

* * * *

You conquer nothing.

* * * *

You are the unknown made briefly known through the delusion of imaginary notion.

* * * *

God is a metaphor.

* * * *

What is any burden but a state of mind inspired by imagination.

* * * *

What can any bottom-feeder do but abide whatever the behemoths deign?

* * * *

Hope is but begging the question.

* * * *

Good god, would you voluntarily come back to endure that again?

* * * *

The political mind bent on security is ever calibrating its position.

* * * *

Dissolve the other within.

* * * *

The insatiable vanity ever cries for more, more, more.

* * * *

Sometimes it is interesting to give the mob what they want, just to see what they do with it.

* * * *

Absurdity plays ways beyond counting.

* * * *

Time is a stuckness of mind to which most acclaim.

* * * *

What is real, and what is not real, is the awareness upon which all imagination is founded.

* * * *

Every human assumption warrants a critical eye.

* * * *

If we prefer some inane Armageddon over any semblance of rationality, so be it.

* * * *

You came, you saw, you realized.

* * * *

The art of war and artlessness of peace are mutually exclusive.

* * * *

Why call it love?

* * * *

History only has as much weight as imagination gives it.

* * * *

The last of our kind will not know s/he is the last hominoid standing.

* * * *

The quantum reality is pointless.

* * * *

You will never know what came of most everyone you have ever known.

* * * *

Irony and paradox, ever an unborn, undying alliance.

* * * *

Do not cross the line too often, you might get caught on the other side.

* * * *

Obsessive-compulsives, this is your time.

* * * *

Life springs from and to oblivion, quantum dust all the while.

* * * *

There is no place like home.

* * * *

To diwcern what love is, you must in large part know what it is not.

* * * *

Wherein the oneness within views the allness without.

* * * *

Wealthy beyond belief.

* * * *

It may sound different, but it is the same please, thank you, and fuck you across the world.

* * * *

Suffer well, quantum, suffer well.

* * * *

The discordance of the world is in mind only.

* * * *

Imagination is a prison of its own design; awareness its emancipation.

* * * *

Rationality is nice if you are Spock enough to manage it.

* * * *

Be content to be anonymous in your own mind.

* * * *

The inanity! The inanity!

* * * *

You need not allow the universe to infringe upon you serenity.

* * * *

Choose your Self.

* * * *

What you enjoy is shadowed by what you must endure.

* * * *

Nothing is calling you.

* * * *

Peace, brothers and sisters, peace, what is it that keeps it but an ideal?

* * * *

You cannot explain what you do not know with more than grunts and inarticulate gestures.

* * * *

What wisdom is harbored is harbored alone.

* * * *

Every mind a unique dream, a unique universe, sovereign unto its Self.

* * * *

Go placidly amid the noise and haste.

* * * *

That you pretend you are not at least occasionally a hypocrite is the first and last hypocrisy.

* * * *

Quantum chaos, quantum order.

* * * *

Is there anyone not caught up in the filament of vanity?

* * * *

If now had a name, it would be then.

* * * *

The all-embracing, ever-indivisible Great Nada; nothing pretending something.

* * * *

Yet another very then.

* * * *

What is there to fear about death once you live through it.

* * * *

Childhood ends, alas.

* * * *

Who is not anonymous in the ultimate timelessness of it all?

* * * *

Through all seed lines, you are.

* * * *

You think many things, and because you think them, they are so, at least in your version.

* * * *

Yet another very then.

* * * *

Best to wander about with the clip full and the bladder empty.

* * * *

Rest on whatever laurels your path to glory has managed, imaginary as they are.

* * * *

Gravity must inevitably fall on its own sword.

* * * *

Closer and closer weaves the tide of doom; such is death for all life great to small.

* * * *

Truth has no temperature.

* * * *

How quietly content those barren of the quagmire of assumption.

* * * *

Embrace the inevitable.

* * * *

Let s/he who is without vanity cast the first stone.

* * * *

Prior to consciousness, you.

* * * *

All that can be said with any certainty is that you are the mystery.

* * * *

Every life form its own version of a universe.

* * * *

The Unifying Principle: One equals one, one equals two, et cetera.

* * * *

The choiceless choice is not apparent.

* * * *

Look closely, and what you will see is a dream playing out.

* * * *

It is all pride, it is all vanity.

* * * *

In the face of reality, hope is little more than laughable.

* * * *

Gaia, the ultimate entitlement.

* * * *

Vibration, nothing more, nothing less.

* * * *

Zen madness.

* * * *

History will run your show if you allow it.

* * * *

How quickly everything can be forgotten.

* * * *

Yet another case of tail wagging dog.

* * * *

What good is data if you cannot harness it?

* * * *

Self-imagery is all.

* * * *

You are a mix of rationality and irrationality, same as everyone else.

* * * *

It is and is not whatever illusion-delusion you care to make it.

* * * *

Quested in the mind of consciousness, it rests in the heart of awareness.

* * * *

What is love but nothing known.

* * * *

From wafting breeze to stormy tempest, the monkey-mind blows this way or that.

* * * *

Abide where no thought dwells.

* * * *

It is not you who makes anything happen in this sensory dreamtime.

* * * *

Practice being deader than dead.

* * * *

Do not confuse what the tongue wants with what the body needs.

* * * *

A hell of a lot of bother to die for.

* * * *

Nothing exists for a while, pretends for a while, but ever succumbs to its true nature.

* * * *

Yet another round of irony and paradox.

* * * *

What is entitlement but getting overly, blindly attached to anything that cannot last.

* * * *

All your conclusions are true, all your conclusions are false.

* * * *

The inevitable is inevitable.

* * * *

You will see what you feel called to see, what you are prepared to see.

* * * *

A soul that does not have a price is rare, indeed.

* * * *

Always the beginner.

* * * *

Oh ye of little doubt.

* * * *

There are those who believe in god, and those who are god, and never the twain shall they meet.

* * * *

The true agnostic does not know, does not care.

* * * *

Why would you ever feel the need to do anything other than what comes naturally?

* * * *

This dream is going nowhere very, very quickly.

* * * *

If you believe only the countless lies the senses weave, your destiny is mortal faire.

* * * *

The pendulum caresses the middle of all extremes.

* * * *

You are witness to a cloud of consciousness ever-swirling in the winds of illusion.

* * * *

History is not soda pop.

* * * *

Yet another indecipherable footnote in the annals of history.

* * * *

Ideals have no reality, no meaning, unless they play out in the annals of time.

* * * *

None of the above is always an option.

* * * *

Outside the last box, nothing.

* * * *

Do not believe your own propaganda, much less anyone else’s.

* * * *

What is awakening but conscious witnessing.

* * * *

Do not rely on the human paradigm to be anything but the pallbearer of truth.

* * * *

Anything is dangerous if you do not know how to do it.

* * * *

Any language is dead without the culture from which it was fashioned.

* * * *

Know when to start, know when to stop.

* * * *

Yet another master race sets itself at the head of its very small table.

* * * *

So many stories: long, short, and every sort of thing between.

* * * *

Panning for gold.

* * * *

Always do your best, and win or lose with as much grace as possible.

* * * *

You are doing the matrix, and the matrix is doing you.

* * * *

Never buy into the propaganda of time; any agenda is not truth.

* * * *

All those eyes looking back are in your own.

* * * *

What is ego but the force of imagination getting over-attached to its endless stream of notions.

* * * *


* * * *

The invisibility of anonymity offers a relatively quiet existence if the times allow it.

* * * *

Vanity extending itself immortal.

* * * *

Awareness is awareness: Unborn, undying, eternally present, timelessly ephemeral.

* * * *

On high babble.

* * * *

The only koan that counts is the one that has no solution.

* * * *

There is nothing more to be

Than what you already are, have ever been, will ever be.

Vanity is not more.

* * * *

Open the fist, monkey-mind, open the fist.

* * * *

What epic can ever count for much in the winds of relativity.

* * * *

What suffering innocence must endure to abide the horrors of the human paradigm.

* * * *

Another day for consciousness to raise its crescendo yet another notch.

* * * *

Monkey seeing, monkey doing.

* * * *

What is faith but imagination given the wings of hope.

* * * *

You do because you can.

* * * *

There it is … There it is again … And yet again.

* * * *

Preserving the past or bearing concern for the future is a dubious responsibility.

* * * *

Is life blessing? Is life bother? Attitude is all.

* * * *

Truth will out nothing.

* * * *

It is ever the same, but no one will ever see or experience it the same.

* * * *

Agenda? What was that?

* * * *

Was that an accident? Or intentional? You will never be quite sure.

* * * *

Another moment of pleasure, another moment of pain, whoo-hoo for nerve endings.

* * * *

Obviously not your first rodeo.

* * * *

In a world given over to demons, what are the righteous to do but whine and moan?

* * * *

The wisdom of insecurity is a solitary affair.

* * * *

And what fear could there be if there were no desire for one more or another?

* * * *

Assumptions all.

* * * *

Wrap your head around that, Pilgrim.

* * * *

Where can there be a boundary between the absoluteness of you and any god?

* * * *

It all so does not matter.

* * * *

Large talk, small talk, all talk, nothing more than the tick-tock-tick-tock of consciousness.

* * * *

The line between what is and what is not, is drawn in the sands of imagination.

* * * *

The most obvious way is the most obvious way.

* * * *

Clouds come and go, sometimes hazy, sometimes roiling, through an ever indifferent sky.

* * * *

To be a worm, oh happy, content life.

* * * *

Many are called, few are inclined.

* * * *

What is any existence but a relatively few daze in the sun.

* * * *

And so what, really?

* * * *

The ignorance of childhood was a bliss of its own, indeed, indeed.

* * * *

The inexplicable requires no god.

* * * *

Peace in the first step, peace in the last step, and in every step between.

* * * *

Be no trace, leave no trace.

* * * *

Merge life and death into the undying, and you will be born again every moment.

* * * *

Nothing matters, nothing does not matter.

* * * *

What is any savior saving but imaginary projection.

* * * *

Is there anything more vain than false peity?

* * * *

Truth be buddha fare.

* * * *

Self-imagery, what a bother.

* * * *

Who questions, and what do they question?

* * * *

There is no before, there is no after, in the clarity of eternal awareness.

* * * *

Let your self dissolve into your Self.

* * * *

What whiners age makes of many if not most of us.

* * * *

Consciousness is bound by limitations of its own making.

* * * *

What is yours? What is not yours?

* * * *

You can change your mind as often as you are able.

* * * *

Inner peace is a breath away.

* * * *

Truth will play along with whatever you imagine it to be.

* * * *

So many lies set in stone by the labels we weave.

* * * *

There is no other, why allow the many voices to entice you this way or that?

* * * *

Un-know your Self.

* * * *

Gravity is the arbiter of the game board.

* * * *

Scientist that you every moment are, you are first and foremost your own experiment.

* * * *

Heaven and Hell are both imaginary states.

* * * *

The dream of consciousness, or the reality of awareness, you each and every moment choose anew.

* * * *

Watch for that bullet; you might be able to dodge it if you see it coming.

* * * *

The beingness prior to belief requires no dogma.

* * * *

Seven Daze: One for God, and the other six for whatever mirth narcissistic hedonism allows.

* * * *

Detach, detach, detach.

* * * *

What is freedom but immortal disregard for mortal faire.

* * * *

Another religion, ho-hum and yawn.

* * * *

What a stomach it takes to abide in any political arena.

* * * *

Be your unborn Self.

* * * *

Blaming anyone for not knowing any different, how reasonable is that?

* * * *

It is written in one sandbox or another.

* * * *

Nero would have a hard time keeping his fiddle tuned in these our times.

* * * *

The certitude with which each moment is approached only exacerbates the suffering.

* * * *

What is never born never dies.

* * * *

What are hope and faith but slothful reaction to the dread of imagination.

* * * *

And what point is there to a questions whose answer is but an echo?

* * * *

How many ways we find to clash over nothing.

* * * *

What freedom, what peace, is there really, in power, in fame, in fortune?

* * * *

The stars have no memory.

* * * *

Yet another day in the salt mines of perpetual doubt.

* * * *

When it gets right down to it, taking a shit is really quite magical.

* * * *

It is a god-eat-god world.

* * * *

A very brief, very mortal dream, nothing more, nothing less.

* * * *

Watch that record play and play and play, over and over and over, memes all.

* * * *

The Sisyphean 2duz list of the busy-busy.

* * * *

Discern what every other life form in this garden has never not known.

* * * *

Play both sides against the middle, or for it?

* * * *

Disband it whenever you please.

* * * *

What is human existence but the venting of imaginary notion.

* * * *

Zen challenge: Bet I can do less than you can.

* * * *

Quantum is creation is evolution is an incessant, indivisible fact.

* * * *

Humble up.

* * * *

Free Jesus: 2,000 years is long enough to play hostage to fear.

* * * *

Greed works all too well.

* * * *

Yet another harbinger of the fate in store.

* * * *

How ironic, how paradoxical, that it takes so much effort to be effortless.

* * * *

The world is indeed all but flat in its shallow round.

* * * *

Looking neither forward nor back, the witness is.

* * * *

History as we know it is full of self-serving bunk.

* * * *

The Eighth Deadly Sin: Speculation

* * * *

Who knows what will call you before your time is over.

* * * *

Explore the vanities until they no longer hold sway.

* * * *

Different faces, same monkey.

* * * *

Truths, half-truths, and the lies upon which they are shored.

* * * *

To blame it on some devil, to leave it up to some god, how ludicrous is that?

* * * *

Leave no stone unturned.

* * * *

Life is an endless river of epiphanies.

* * * *

Funding is all.

* * * *

Only the mystery knows all, sees all, is all.

* * * *

Male and female worlds rock to a different beat, only in the womb do they meet.

* * * *

This is where the mañana attitude gets you, or not.

* * * *

Too much and not enough all the while.

* * * *

Death is the ultimate detachment; be dead and you will see.

* * * *

There is no religion, only Self-discovery.

* * * *

You think you can change your mind, really?

* * * *

The mind as playground, the mind as torture chamber.

* * * *

The mob votes its mind.

* * * *

The limits of science are the certainties of its hypotheses and the absolutes of its theories.

* * * *

Expectations are bound to be disappointed sooner or later.

* * * *

Only vanity dies.

* * * *

Sot it goes … ibid … Ibid … Ibid …

* * * *

Eternal life, ain’t it grand?

* * * *

What it is, what it is not, same thing, same thingless.

* * * *

Is it a holy spirit, or a whole-y quantum?

* * * *

What are time and timeless but alternate states of mind.

* * * *

Bzzz bzzzz zz z z z.

* * * *

Nothing new under the sun; nothing old, either.

* * * *

Die gently, die bloody, after the last breath, it will not much matter.

* * * *

What is not a metaphor? What is not an analogy?

* * * *

Either you flow with nature, or battle against her; there is no middle ground.

* * * *

Unspin the spin.

* * * *

To more than a few absurdities, eye-rolling is the only coherent answer.

* * * *

The pleasant boredom of eternal presence.

* * * *

The jungle of mind has usurped the jungle of origin.

* * * *

Everyone has a story, all quite equal, really.

* * * *

Yet another corner into which our incessant ingenuity paints itself.

* * * *

Dogma is as useless as rules in a knife fight.

* * * *

Some things never change? Hah!  Look a little closer.

* * * *

Nothing is, nothing is not.

* * * *

Ethics is best served on a full belly from a secure perch.

* * * *

It is written somewhere on the flesh of one forest or another.

* * * *

You are as shaped as any clay figurine.

* * * *

Always curious how god’s will is so often in accord with that of the given believer.

* * * *

No rewind, no fast-forward, now reigns.

* * * *

The tinker’s damn is a solitary curse.

* * * *

We are all equal quantum creators creating; nothing divine about it.

* * * *

If there is a god behind the curtain, he/she/it is not talking.

* * * *

Nod-nod, wink-wink.

* * * *

Dead man walking, dead world spinning.

* * * *

Is real power the wiliness to use the club, or the willingness not to?

* * * *

It is always perfect; only the mind in disarray sees it otherwise.

* * * *

Here you are, passing through a dream.

* * * *

Why do today what you can put off until some day after tomorrow.

* * * *

Close enough for this game of horse shoes.

* * * *

Any mind can suffer its own quagmire, ever drawing the awareness into its depths.

* * * *

Be ever-watchful in the prior-to-consciousness awareness sense.

* * * *

Busy is as busy does.

* * * *

Walk or run or stand still, the same grave catches all.

* * * *

What does it take for effortlessness to be effortless?

* * * *

Create a law; create an extreme.

* * * *

Are you consciousness being watched, or awareness watching?

* * * *

Truth is anonymous.

* * * *

Agnostic is not knowing what it is, and it is also knowing what it is not.

* * * *

And how again was that spelled?

* * * *

There is artistry in everything for those who esteem that level of excellence.

* * * *

Forever happening one moment at a time, simultaneously one.

* * * *

It is up to you to alone get rein of your mind, to alone discern what is true.

* * * *

Any given moment is quite effortless if the mind allows it.

* * * *

Why get involved with nonsensical arguments over any insignificant assumption?

* * * *

We are the gods of dreamtime.

* * * *

A curious thing how so many are always sticking there noses in other people’s business.

* * * *

Mind is movement, and no-mind, the awareness prior to all.

* * * *

What is true, what is not true, may be impossible to prove, but why should you have to?

* * * *

What is any opinion but what would be taken for gas passing at the other end.

* * * *

How pointless to judge a dream.

* * * *

How quickly too little can become too much, and too much too little.

* * * *

What is this mystery but more than everything and less than nothing.

* * * *

Coming soon, yet another hard lesson.

* * * *

Prior to the first word, prior to any I Am, you are.

* * * *

If you knew no different, there would be no cause to pause for reflection.

* * * *

Slice by slice, the pie becomes but a memory; it is only a pie as long as it stays whole.

* * * *

You are all there is, all there ever was, all there will ever be: Where is the karma in that?

* * * *

The mob will get what it deserves.

* * * *

If you put no edges on awareness, where does it begin, where does it end?

* * * *

Is any mind less variable than the wind?

* * * *

Anything is given more power by dwelling on it.

* * * *

The rutted mind only gets narrower and deeper in its round and round again groove.

* * * *

Quantum theater, quantum playground.

* * * *

Thought is but a habit, which only mindful breathing breaks.

* * * *

Somebody wrote it; it does not really matter who.

* * * *

Often a good idea to have the Cloak of Plausible Deniability in your bag of tricks.

* * * *

And after this, then what?

* * * *

The camel is in the tent.

* * * *

Gaze out into the sensory theater with as much faceless wonder as the given moment allows.

* * * *

Peace, brothers and sisters, if you can abide it.

* * * *

Oh boy, another statistic, whoo-hoo.

* * * *

Following the village idiot, what does that say about you?

* * * *

Is it free will, or free your Self from will?

* * * *

Any given word has in unending array of associates.

* * * *

As predictions go, humankind is off the grid.

* * * *

It just is; so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

Awareness you are, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

Rule one in a knife fight: There are no rules.

* * * *

Existence is but a relatively brief hiccup in an otherwise non-existent eternity.

* * * *

Hold nothing in your mind.

* * * *

Such a cluster; no wonder so many cling to hope.

* * * *

Quantum matrixing.

* * * *

There are just some things only saints and the truly detached can forgive.

* * * *

Like you really had a say in any of this.

* * * *

Of course there is no god in the way anyone thinks.

* * * *

It is all just a dream in your head, the same head you have never seen.

* * * *

Into the swarm, into the storm.

* * * *

In pure awareness, you are That I Am, but to discern it, must still the vanities of mind.

* * * *

The price of the ticket to eternity is your mind.

* * * *

Hell is in the details; heaven in the oblivion.

* * * *

You think you know something, that you know anything, and what, pray tell, is that?

* * * *

The Usual Suspects: Me and Myself and I.

* * * *

Dead is dead, no matter the cause or length of journey in the dying.

* * * *

It is a mystery, you are a mystery, one in the same.

* * * *

The universe nothing more than a lightning storm of imagination.

* * * *

You are a portal, a wormhole, to eternity.

* * * *

The cessation of vanity requires that you stop taking the given mind-body-spirit so seriously.

* * * *

We are all patterns; some more exotic than others.

* * * *

There is only one undying birth for those never born.

* * * *

Creepy boy meets poison girl, live unhappily ever after.

* * * *

Sheep need not apply.

* * * *

To wait for anything to hit the bottom of any bucket, why?

* * * *

Who knows what will happen as the world grows large again.

* * * *

Yet another episode of the Twilight Zone.

* * * *

Any given life is its own unique play of consciousness, a universe unto its Self.

* * * *

The heart is a fickle beast.

* * * *

Is time passing you, or are you passing time?

* * * *

To be at ease with your monkey mind, that is the challenge.

* * * *

Wisdom, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

* * * *

Hieroglyphics on every wall.

* * * *

Eternal life is being mindful in an empty-mind sort of way.

* * * *

… buying … They are selling … They are buying … They are selling … They are buying … They are …

* * * *

There are some things even quantum need not endure.

* * * *

The prime number is one.

* * * *

Well enough, indeed.

* * * *

Infallibility, what tommyrot.

* * * *

Some things are destined to make other things favorites.

* * * *

From slavery to salaried, the whip shifts from back to mind.

* * * *

Follow your intuition to a deeper logic.

* * * *

Rationality is a myth, objectivity a lie, inspired by the madness of consciousness.

* * * *

The good guest knows when to leave.

* * * *

Yes, Alfie, even wisdom has its bounds.

* * * *

Suspend your fabricated notions of identity, and the universe you have in mind imagined.

* * * *

The incessant chatter is but a confabulation of your conditioning.

* * * *

A simple “I Am” covers it.

* * * *

Breathe in the dream, breathe out the dream.

* * * *

If it is empty on the inside and empty on the outside, where are you?

* * * *

The god quest ultimately consumes everything.

* * * *

The jungle is without remorse.

* * * *

Do you try to keep up with the Joneses, or leave it all behind and go your own way?

* * * *

Do not confuse arrogance with courage.

* * * *

The first universe was born in a puddle long ago.

* * * *

Rest assured, gravity always wins.

* * * *

What judgment can there be in a mind drifting in the stillness of awareness.

* * * *

The all-consuming quantum is an insatiable beast.

* * * *

No one can help you fulfill your destiny past any uncertain point.

* * * *

Who can say who will be the last prophet?

* * * *

Leave no wake.

* * * *

The masks of oblivion are a cacophony of quantum design.

* * * *

How is that lie doing?

* * * *

The true believer projects, the truth believer receives.

* * * *

Speculations abound, including yours.

* * * *

Why feel any need to prove what is obvious?

* * * *

Imagine, if you will, that humankind is nothing more than a binge of imagination.

* * * *

You are the quantum gold prior to all dreams.

* * * *

How could oneness ever keep up with gazillions of details, ergo creation unleashed.

* * * *

Such are the wheels of power, of fame, of fortune.

* * * *

Alimentary, my dear Watson, alimentary.

* * * *

To be invisible, or not to be invisible, that is the question.

* * * *

Great wisdom is not without great suffering.

* * * *

Whether singular or plural, is love anything more than imaginary notion?

* * * *

What is human existence but a wisp of vanity.

* * * *

Solution? What ever made you think there was one?

* * * *

What you really are is even better than forever in a forever-after sort of way.

* * * *

On the inside of the mask, the contours are indivisible.

* * * *

You have missed the point, Pilgrim, best go back to square one and start over.

* * * *

Forever … yeah, right.

* * * *

Yet another confabulation of groupthink hogwash.

* * * *

Eternal life, what is it but awareness, what is it but the undying moment.

* * * *

Time wears any number of hats, bare-headed all the while.

* * * *

Tomorrow, coming today.

* * * *

Always arriving, always departing.

* * * *

The dangled carrot, the unforgiving stick, are the foundation of motivation.

* * * *

Yet another idealistic notion for which history has at best rudimentary interest.

* * * *

Mother Gaia: womb and garden and graveyard.

* * * *

The paths to glory are many and equally vain.

* * * *

The streets of gold are within.

* * * *

You are a footnote in time, ultimately as anonymous as a grain of sand.

* * * *

We must all learn to swim about in our given mind pools.

* * * *

Kick out the other.

* * * *

For all life forms great to small, what is it to exist but ceaseless struggle.

* * * *

What need for dogma when you have eternal life.

* * * *

You do not have to do it all to see it all.

* * * *

There are no guarantees, my friend, no guarantees.

* * * *

The many-faced god is a many-fated god.

* * * *

The total functioning, where would you be without it?

* * * *

Those are the rules of the road … this dreamtime.

* * * *

All things possible are equally impossible.

* * * *

You make it what you will. How could it be anything more or less?

* * * *

The entire universe is but a speck in the eye of your mystery.

* * * *

Just because you cannot wrap your head around something, does not make it any less true.

* * * *

Breathe easy, consciously, and nirvana will unfold its graceful wings.

* * * *

Adventures in time, stories in mind.

* * * *

The politics of becoming and the politics of being are two very different states of mind.

* * * *

Normal is nothing more than the middle ground of this insane asylum.

* * * *

Awareness, ephemeral, indistinct, nondescript, you.

* * * *

The people who are afraid to die are afraid to live.

* * * *

Let us not confuse inanity with happiness.

* * * *

Disappear as often as mind allows.

* * * *

Nature has no vanity but through human confabulation.

* * * *

It is only consciousness that changes hues; the palette of awareness is ever the same.

* * * *

We invent so many things, and then live to serve them.

* * * *

How many layers of lies have been woven into the fabric of any given tomorrow.

* * * *

Life is always spun whatever way the given mindset inclines.

* * * *

Vanity is the source of every imaginable mishap.

* * * *

The wind is no more wind than any wind could ever be.

* * * *

Any given question runs the risk of being limited by the assumptions from which it spawned.

* * * *

It is a big fuckin’ universe, and it all starts in you.

* * * *

Has that face staring back in the mirror ever really been the you staring into it?

* * * *

An imaginary center in the middle of nothing.

* * * *

We have made ourselves lords and ladies of an asphalt jungle.

* * * *

The three vanities … power … fame … fortune.

* * * *

How canny the unprincipled.

* * * *

Is there a universe without you to witness it?

* * * *

The weight of tradition falls heavier and heavier upon every new generation.

* * * *

Yet another adventurer exploring this quantum affair.

* * * *

And to which assumptions will you cater today?

* * * *

The final solution is not of the worldly sort.

* * * *

Look in the mirror, we are the pigs wearing lipstick.

* * * *

Fear of the unknown runs deep in time’s bones.

* * * *

There is no resolution to the fragmentation of thought; there is only the next breath.

* * * *

All kingdoms are arbitrary inventions.

* * * *

Dust everywhere in this insidious universe.

* * * *

Maybe god is not what you think, or, then again, maybe it is.

* * * *

What an insistent thing all this empty chatter.

* * * *

There are some who are just not made to recite catechisms.

* * * *

We are all playing out one meme or another, perhaps several.

* * * *

Every seed starts anew.

* * * *

You imagine your Self you, and I imagine my Self me, the operating word imagine.

* * * *

The only real revolution awaits within.

* * * *

If there is a god or gods, are he/she/it/they really any different than any other player?

* * * *

Clock hands, round and round they go, declaring time real at every glance.

* * * *

Be weak or strong, you decide.

* * * *

As simple as it is, weaning your Self from the habitual mind is no easy task.

* * * *

What choice is there in the matter?

* * * *

Tooth and nail versus claw and fang, where would we be were it not for evolution’s happenstances?

* * * *

Human existence is a series of broad strokes filled with vain details.

* * * *

Yes, it will happen to you, too, despite all your hope and the many designs to which you cling.

* * * *

Where is the center without imagination to muster it.

* * * *

The endless quest to know what can never be known is delusional notion from the get-go.

* * * *

Go where no mind has gone before.

* * * *

Consciousness blurring into an indistinguishable din of stillness.

* * * *

Geeks rule in these our modern times, but what will they do when Old School rises again?

* * * *

It is all illusion; no cherry-picking.

* * * *

It is your eternal life; best pay reasonably close attention while it lasts.

* * * *

The nothing special daze.

* * * *

Perdition is the interlude of a mind caught between heaven and hell.

* * * *

Just being does not require any particular setting, nor any noteworthy preparation.

* * * *

Awareness is the end-all-be-all of everything and nothing.

* * * *

You have never even once been separate from the moment you are in.

* * * *

Love thy Self, or at least try to put up with it.

* * * *

One man’s mundane is another’s windmill is still another’s wishful thinking.

* * * *

What is eternal life but this very moment in awareness you are.

* * * *

Why would you ever feel required to play it out the way history dictates?

* * * *

All laws but nature’s are arbitrary.

* * * *

You have never been what you think you are.

* * * *

What is any life but an ever-streaming series of distractions.

* * * *

There is only one quantum in the universe. One quantum, with many faces.

* * * *

You, who ever is, never was, and will never be.

* * * *

Life is but a touchy-feely, three-dimensional dream, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

For the inscrutable indivisible, there is no within, there is no without.

* * * *

Rationalism laced with emotion; how rational is that?

* * * *

Find you own way, be your own law, bow to no one, expect none to bow to you.

* * * *

It is only in imagination that all players are created.

* * * *

Rationalism laced with emotion is as irrationally intolerant as any other political correctness.

* * * *

Why is it so challenging to discern that the creation is creating itself?

* * * *

Creation and creator are one in the same.

* * * *

Holding the inner awareness and outer illusion in balance is the challenge.

* * * *

It is all awareness; get over yourself.

* * * *

​It is in the being that truth is discerned.

* * * *

The more there is to remember, the more there is to forget.​

* * * *

There will be blood.

* * * *

The rabbit hole of technology is a never-ending journey into the abyss of loneliness.

* * * *

Steal a man’s wallet or wife or life, it is in the thieving you are known.

* * * *

Is a bed of nails any more prickly than satin sheets to the sound sleeper?

* * * *

Explore the mystery without assumption, and you shall become its source.

* * * *

To take, to give, what difference, really?

* * * *

Deeper and deeper, every rabbit hole beckons.

* * * *

What you nip today may well bite back much harder tomorrow.

* * * *

The inattentive mind: Where would you be without it?

* * * *

The other will come into mind as often as inattention allows it.

* * * *

A mystery too humungously mindboggling for any mere word.

* * * *

Detachment: Not as easy as one often wishes.

* * * *

Who is most alive but s/he who gives the moment their fullest attention.

* * * *

What is money but time already spent.

* * * *

There is only one source, and it is not bound by its creation.

* * * *

You are always here now in one place or another.

* * * *

The stillness before time, or the silliness of time, you decide.

* * * *

Yet another sordid existence.

* * * *

Cannot expect someone to know what they ain't never been taught.

* * * *

Talk does not for pudding make.

* * * *

Yes, there is a quantum matrix, through which awareness gazes, and it is all you.

​* * * *​

That which has no name, endures all.

* * * *

How can the so-called soul ever be confused with the pedestrian personality?

* * * *

We are​ all the same monkey; we just make different choices about consequences.

​* * * *​

​Choice, really?​

* * * *

Look into any creature’s eyes, and see another universe peering out.

* * * *

Does anyone really know themselves much less another?

* * * *

Can the mind be reprogrammed, reconditioned, or is awareness the only key?

* * * *

We are all wandering back toward the great obscurity.

* * * *

Propaganda is not a function of science.

* * * *

There is no happy ending, unless you consider death a happy moment.

* * * *

The end of vanity will be when we are extinct and insects rule.

* * * *

You can only shit in the pond so long before you get very thirsty.

* * * *

Empty, we are all the same.

* * * *

Are you ever who-what-where-when-why-how you think you are?

* * * *

Any thought process can be usurped.

* * * *

If the world, the universe, is but an illusion, why do you keep subscribing to it?

* * * *

And what part and particle of all history have you not ultimately witnessed?

* * * *

Who would have thunk it?

* * * *

To be That I Am is to let go, to release, to ignore, all that is imagined.

* * * *

What is time but the measurement of imagination.

* * * *

The list of possibilities grows longer and longer, and the amount of interest less and less.

* * * *

What is any given mind but a collection of pigeonholes.

* * * *

Angel and demon in the same corporeal package.

* * * *

Consciousness is smoke; awareness, fire.

* * * *

From nothing, everything.

* * * *

What is there to teach? What is there to learn?

* * * *

You are already dead; the only question is how.

* * * *

What is time but perception projected by imagination.

* * * *

Who needs an audience when you are your own.

* * * *

Contemplation and meditation and suicide are for those who have run out of things to do.

* * * *

What a burden it can be to care.

* * * *

​Nothing matters about this world, but that you carry it.

* * * *

Just about anything can be usurped for one foul purpose or another.

* * * *

Existence is painful; sometimes excruciatingly so.

* * * *

The problem we have created have become too huge for any happy solution.

* * * *

​​Between god and the marketplace, best be anything but a farmer.

* * * *

Create a god and they will pay.

* * * *

Doing versus being; one of them is effortless and without the chitchat of hollow ego.

* * * *

Less greed makes for less headache.

* * * *

Contemplation can take you far and wide, and meditation, near and dear.

* * * *

A mind at peace with its Self abides in the eternity of awareness.

* * * *

God is a joke on you.

* * * *

Chew your liquids and drink your solids; your universe is you in every ever fore and after.

* * * *

Accidents happen; that is why they are called accidents.

* * * *

Your little footnote is but human absurdity.

* * * *

Death reunites all.

* * * *

Forever, as long as it lasts.

* * * *

If the good die young, the obvious question is, why are you still here?

* * * *

What is a problem but a solution waiting to happen; what is a solution but a problem undone.

* * * *

There are storytellers, and there are truthtellers.

* * * *

Most prefer one lie or another because truth is much too simple.

* * * *

The tranquil mind is awareness its Self.

* * * *

History sows all futures.

* * * *

Awareness is the first and last freedom; it is the only freedom.

* * * *

Wander as you will.

* * * *

The mystery is a mystery is a mystery, even unto its Self.

* * * *

No need to share that little secret.

* * * *

Another label … Yawn.

* * * *

There you go again behaving as if there is any you or yours at all.

* * * *

What bounds can there be to the nothingness of awareness?

* * * *

Illusion knows no bounds but the ones you set.

* * * *

In the indivisibility, there is no vanity.

* * * *

What is any puzzle but a Gordian Knot to be undone as the given mind allows.

* * * *

Freedom’s bounds is something of an oxymoron.

* * * *

What to save today?

* * * *

Always expect the unexpected, and then improvise-adapt-overcome, as necessary.

* * * *

What a lonely species.

* * * *

The intelligence creating this mystery is prior to all manifestation.

* * * *

Alas, that for so many reasons, so many do not realize they should not breed.

* * * *

Humankind’s capacity for delusion is insurmountable.

* * * *

What is the truth but the glare of the obvious?

* * * *

Save the world? What world?

* * * *

Right now is as close to time as you can ever get.

* * * *

… tick … tick … tick …

* * * *

Nothing like biblical revenge to set the vanity aright.

* * * *

Is the discernment of truth a matter of believing, or of seeing?

* * * *

No worries.

* * * *

When just being is enough, any sunny bench will do.

* * * *

Save humanity? What humanity?

* * * *

Worldly wealth can be an albatross, to which attachment is beyond-the-pale.

* * * *

The maker and the making, how can they be separate?

* * * *

Garçon! Another round!

* * * *

Chaos is ordered by mind’s synergistic ebb and flow.

* * * *

An esoteric dialectic to which only the esoteric are inclined.

* * * *

Reality has a way of puncturing all balloons.

* * * *

Abstraction does not hold a candle to the roshambo of reality.

* * * *

Another name, another story, same quantum.

* * * *

All histories are a mirage born of the vagaries human consciousness.

* * * *

Leave the world to those to whom it matters.

* * * *

Life is distraction; oblivion, home.

* * * *

Better not to join a group than it is to leave it.

* * * *

Funny in a sadder than sad way.

* * * *

The un-buddha endures.

* * * *

With or without the other, you are the same.

* * * *

History does not repeat itself, but the patterns do.

* * * *

Science is ultimately nothing more than the observation and measurement of illusion.

* * * *

Now is where you wax and wane, indivisible all the while.

* * * *

It is all process to which even birth and death are but passing players.

* * * *

Withstand those who would reduce you.

* * * *

Truth is the only authority, and those who discern it, its un-lettered authors.

* * * *

Take on Mother Nature at your peril.

* * * *

Consciousness is the harbor of illusion, and the source of all delusion.

* * * *

Now is the source of all beginnings, the preserver of all process, the key to all endings.

* * * *

Neither follow nor lead, abide in peace, be and allow.

* * * *

Fulfill what?

* * * *

All dogmatic assertion is meaningless but for the vanity with which it pounds its chest.

* * * *

Sometimes vulnerable, sometimes not, as life calls.

* * * *

Give it no mind.

* * * *

Meditation is viewing the mind as space, as pure awareness, empty and clear.

* * * *

All forms are equal, but some are more equal than others.

* * * *

Ignorance wins more than its fair share of arguments.

* * * *

The expanses and limits of language are many and not far between.

* * * *

Heaven and hell are but imaginary domains.

* * * *

And there it has always been, awareness, witnessing.

* * * *

Curiosity may kill the cat, but for we two-leggeds, it only increases viewer ratings.

* * * *

That which inspires the hunger of the sensory mind-body is the underpinning of what will come.

* * * *

It is only through the illusion of duality that unicity can awaken to its Self.

* * * *

Every day a new stream of instants.

* * * *

To put anyone on a pedestal only creates the temptation to pull them down.

* * * *

The point and purpose is whatever you imagine it to be, or not to be, no question.

* * * *

Nothingness is the practice.

* * * *

What is a good father? A good mother? A good son? A good daughter?

* * * *

Yet another other combobulating in your head.

* * * *

Life is the dream between naps.

​* * * *​

​Why keep looking for something to move you when nothing can anymore?

* * * *

Hold the course; hold no course.

* * * *

It filled the time.

* * * *

We daily grow more and more deaf to our vain cacophony.

* * * *

What pleasures may come; what pains will pass.

* * * *

What must any flower endure but the withering of its nectar, its scent, its raison d'être.

* * * *

Did you live it? Or merely dream it?

* * * *

A ceaseless game of pretend played by the one in the same quantum pretender.

* * * *

Perception is all and none.

* * * *

It is suffering that so adeptly sharpens the blade of the critical thinker.

* * * *

The no-mind knows nothing.

* * * *

The difference between night and day is but a spin of the dustball upon which your eye resides.

* * * *

Bliss, sort of.

* * * *

No tweedling about it anymore; it be Twitterdum and Twitterdee in these our modern timez.

* * * *

One is when the other is not.

* * * *

More is rarely enough for many if not most.

* * * *

Rest assured there is no dike that will withstand Mother Nature for long.

* * * *

A sensory mystery, untouched by all that is witnessed.

* * * *

Abide as best ye may, and do not pretend anything is forever real.

* * * *

Nothing suits you.

* * * *

In consciousness, you are splintered; in awareness, you are unified.

* * * *

Stop posing and do it.

* * * *

You are the mystery, the eye of awareness from which all creation comes into being.

* * * *

Yet another ending; yet another beginning.

* * * *

Power and fame and fortune; the three vanities to which so many succumb.

* * * *

An abstract abstract.

* * * *

Are you a conditioned identity, or just awareness pretending to be a conditioned identity?

* * * *

You are on your own: Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

Another day of the children of the lesser gods battling over their idolatries.

* * * *

Everybody gotta die some time, Red.

* * * *

Enjoy as best as mind allows.

* * * *

Smack dab in the middle of no who, no what, no where, no when, no why, no how.

* * * *

Moderation: Cannot get enough of it.

* * * *

Much easier to forget a peasant than it is a monarch; anonymity is its own reward.

* * * *

The ego is but a false shield.

* * * *

All paths to glory find the same grave.

* * * *

We do think ourselves so clever, do we not?

* * * *

Fear is the composite of all the tree rings you harbor within.

* * * *

It was this all the while.

* * * *

If you think that screen can forever protect you from reality, guess again.

* * * *

To be totally vulnerable, at least occasionally, is the challenge.

* * * *

Memory cannot guarantee anything.

* * * *

Nothing is perfect.

* * * *

All that mind and body allow add up to didley-squat in a zero-sum sort of way.

* * * *

What is done is ever undone; what is undone remains undone.

* * * *

Null and void create universes unending.

* * * *

What is greed but "Just a little more ..."

* * * *

Run and walk and sit and eat and sleep on empty.

* * * *

When is full enough?

* * * *

Practice nothingness.

* * * *

Birth and death; same thing, really.

* * * *

What are piss and shit but fertilizer to yet more creation.

* * * *

Illusion is but a sensory overlay.

* * * *

The scientific mind is a mind exploring reality for its Self.

* * * *

What do yay and nay mean but that it does not appeal to your vanity.

* * * *

And it was over practically as soon as  it started.

* * * *

Your entire existence is nothing more than a stream of habitual thinking.

* * * *

Perfect enough.

* * * *

There is no god here; only awareness of a ceaseless, timeless mystery.

* * * *

Knowledge is but a superficial coating to the mystery its source truly is.

* * * *

​The collective yay, the collective nay, the collective meh.

* * * *

Tradition is only as real as it is given the weight attention.

* * * *

Born into ignorance, will you spend your whole life there?

* * * *

Imagination, imagination, all is imagination.

* * * *

The mini-death of sleep is but practice for the longer version.

* * * *

Otro día, la misma mierda: Another day, same shit.

* * * *
And that died, too.

* * * *

The creator and the createe, how can they not be one in the same?

​* * * *

​The earth was doomed the moment it was perceived as a resource.

* * * *

The issue of detachment is but an instantaneous insight.

* * * *

What point, really, trying to explain or justify or rationalize anything?

* * * *

The judgmental mind stews in its own brew.

* * * *

Sometimes the harshness of the jab, the hit, the knockdown, is the lesson required.

* * * *

What a great ditty source some others are; the gift that keeps on giving.

* * * *

Ignorance pays many a price.

* * * *

There are many opinions about it, but there is only one source, one truth.

* * * *

Let those who require entertainment of you look for it elsewhere.

* * * *

The mañana list grows daily longer

* * * *

In the vastness of this cosmic mystery, anything is possible.

* * * *

There is nothing to teach, nothing to learn.

* * * *

All community is arbitrary invention inspired by the appearance, the notion of otherness.

* * * *

Breathe as if you have never breathed before, as if you will never breathe again.

* * * *

Everything matters; nothing matters.

* * * *

What is any dimension but a sensory fabrication of consciousness.

* * * *

A mind given over to eternity is no mind at all.

* * * *

Peace is not had by minds bent on vanity.

* * * *

A slippery mind on a slippery slope.

* * * *

Creative designer, creative designee, one in the same.

* * * *

Process is all, all is process.

* * * *

What vanity will call you today?

* * * *

When nothing is the loudest call of all, what distraction can hold you?

* * * *

The one eye sees all.

* * * *

The key to freedom can only be found in the prison of the given mind.

* * * *

To discern the “I Am,” you must let go of everything.

* * * *

Does a star bemoan its demise?

* * * *

The tale of Midas on an over-the-top scale.

* * * *

Be sure to drink your solids and chew your liquids.

* * * *

Cultivate the state of not knowing.

* * * *

Born again … and again … and again … and again … every moment.

* * * *

Remember to forget.

* * * *

To seriously not care is the challenge of mind over mind.

* * * *

You are the source of all knowledge.

* * * *

To remember or not to remember, that is the answer.

* * * *

Why so busy?

* * * *

Why so serious?

* * * *

Imagination feeds off its own concoctions.

* * * *

Yet another thing to file under things that do not matter; never did, never will.

* * * *

Take the other out of the equation, and where are you?

* * * *

Still alive, maybe.

* * * *

All saints, all demons, and everything between, are born of imagination.

* * * *

The wealthiest are the ones who want the least.

* * * *

Passion is the root of all confusion, all miasma, all mishap, all chaos.

* * * *

Is oneness one point? Or as many as two or an infinity of more?

* * * *

Belief, faith, hope: the triage of the mind caught in the delusions of time.

* * * *

Boring is as boring does.

* * * *

The tourist consumes, the traveler wanders.

* * * *

What is a mind free of constraints to do but remain ever-present.

* * * *

How distracting, how pointlessly entertaining, all this babbling wordplay.

* * * *

Answers come to minds who have the wit to ask the questions.

* * * *

Later that now …

* * * *

Might may make right, but it does not necessarily make true.

* * * *

Chances are your god is as puny as your mind.

* * * *

All choices hinge upon the time and space allotted.

* * * *

Every generation is handed a bill of goods, into which they stir in their own concoction.

* * * *

Yes, even the rich and famous and powerful die very much alone and anonymous.

* * * *

The end is nigh, and the beginning just as nigh before that.

* * * *

Power and fame and fortune have evaded me so far, thank you, Jesus.

* * * *

Nobody cares but you.

* * * *

In the play of time, you are a ceaseless appearing-disappearing act.

* * * *

Doing something, doing nothing, what difference, really?

* * * *

Think again … and again … and again … and …

* * * *

Where else could you possibly be but right here, right now, whatever the stage?

* * * *

Power ends, fame dies, fortunes fall.

* * * *

Matter up, quantum, matter up.

* * * *

Sorrow is but the residence of self-absorption.

* * * *

No way is the way.

* * * *

So many wins, so many losses, what difference, really?

* * * *

Best if you can ignore all the imaginary bothers hopscotching through your head.

* * * *

Nothing is happening again, always again.

* * * *

Yes and no spin the world of mind; without them there would be peace.

* * * *

The original sin is time, the lie born of mind, every timepiece a deceiver.

* * * *

Women are bound up in their emotions, men in their egos, neither real for long.

* * * *

To be human is to participate in a never-ending insanity that evolved in the jungles of long ago.

* * * *

You are only a human being if you abide the conditioning.

* * * *

The mighty “If” wanders aloof in every mind.

* * * *

No, you do not have to do anything but what the moment calls.

* * * *

Everything you say can and will be used against you.

* * * *

What will who think, and what matter but for the politics of survival.

* * * *

The emptiness cannot be filled; it can only be embraced.

* * * *

What idle vanity has more virtue than the discernment of the singularity within and without.

* * * *

Did you seek it, or did it find you?

* * * *

Neither sun nor moon, neither mountain nor speck, king nor pawn, you are.

* * * *

Oblivion being what it is, you will not, in the relative sense, remember anything much longer.

* * * *

Assert this, deny that; none the same, all the same.

* * * *

There is but one source, and it is nothing the pinnacles of consciousness can more than pretend.

* * * *

Memo to Self: Remember to forget.

* * * *

Play it again, Sam.

* * * *

Why would you ever care what another thinks of you but for all the dread inspired by time.

* * * *

Self plays every part equally and forever complete.

* * * *

The other is but the dream in the neuron trail that has made this all possible.

* * * *

Is there a beginning to creation? Or an end? Who can more than speculate?

* * * *

How can you teach that which cannot be taught?

* * * *

It is desire and fear that have molded you from pure awareness to finite consciousness.

* * * *

Fat monkey do not travel far or quickly.

* * * *

The redundancy, the redundancy.

* * * *

The ‘I’ you play is but the filament of imagination dancing along a neuron trail.

* * * *

Awareness has no Self; awareness is Self.

* * * *

How can anyone explain anything to ears that cannot hear, to eyes that cannot see?

* * * *

Too much awareness to completely quantum.

* * * *

That is entertainment.

* * * *

Life, brief as it is, is an adventure, at which all are not adept.

* * * *

Hail from this here-now.

* * * *

Your world, your universe, all that is known, is unutterably forgettable.

* * * *

But first a nap.

* * * *

How can that which never was ever be born, much less preserved or destroyed?

* * * *

Number games abound.

* * * *

A good guest knows when to leave; scarcity has its value.

* * * *

What a troublesome thing the mind can be.

* * * *

The School of Anarchy subscribes to no contortions of mind.

* * * *

Zen what?

* * * *

Why imitate what any individual or group prescribes?

* * * *

What is desire but that which seeks distraction in every embodiment samsara offers.

* * * *

Yes, there are stupid questions.

* * * *

Arguing over nothing is a favorite pastime of many if not most.

* * * *

Nothing is born, nothing is preserved, nothing dies, the mystery is all.

* * * *

And what can anyone truly be saved from?

* * * *

Gaze out into the cosmos, and know that it is all you, and nothing all the while.

* * * *

The dread of what others think of you is what draws you into the world again and again.

* * * *

Breathe in simplicity, breathe out simplicity.

* * * *

To be as deft as the moment, is to the wind of time.

* * * *

So have you woken up to something besides that reflection in a mirror yet?

* * * *

Be the ‘No I’ of awareness.

* * * *

Reality transcends belief and faith and hope.

* * * *

Rue no day.

* * * *

It is as large or small as you imagine it.

* * * *

Consciousness is but clouds passing through the clarity of awareness.

* * * *

Your adventure is you own, and no one will ever care about it as much as you.

* * * *

The politics of recognition are a distraction to which human consciousness ever succumbs.

* * * *

To master contentment is to waylay all fates.

* * * *

All in one, one in all.

* * * *

To be weaponized is to perhaps survive a bit longer in this our modern world.

* * * *

None of that matters anymore; let it go.

* * * *

Your entire existence is nothing more than a dream that never happened.

* * * *

Space-time offers far more than memory banks allow.

* * * *

Time is but the figment of imagination.

* * * *

All in a dream, as if it never happened.

* * * *

The great void beckons.

* * * *

Explicable or inexplicable, you decide.

* * * *

Always look twice, and maybe even three times.

* * * *

How much of your existence do you spend thinking about what others think of you?

* * * *

The earnest doubter doubts until the doubting is done.

* * * *

Good health is the only true wealth; everything else is nothing in comparison.

* * * *

Freedom is only free is everyone’s got a piece of it.

* * * *

To be who-what-where-when-why-how you really are, and are not, is the final challenge.

* * * *

The intelligent designer is the intelligent design.

* * * *

The clock keeps ticking-ticking into the future, but you, you are ever the same.

* * * *

A dream, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but, like it never happened.

* * * *

Does the world, does the universe, does anything exist, if you are not here to witness it?

* * * *

The road less traveled is a path of least resistance.

* * * *

Peering out through every set of eyes, the one eye sees all.

* * * *

Are you really any more than a repetitive body bag of habitual thinking?

* * * *

Let go the world and it will let go you.

* * * *

How ironic that a world beyond all redemption finds you wanting.

* * * *

Boggling, indeed.

* * * *

What is any direction known to the relative mind?

* * * *

The first day and the last day, are they really so different?

* * * *

Power, fame, and fortune corrupt, and absolute power, fame, and fortune corrupt absolutely.

* * * *

The world worth saving was destroyed long ago.

* * * *

Sometimes sanity and madness are only separated by a few random thoughts.

* * * *

The world is only as real as you carry it.

* * * *

To be compassionate or not to be compassionate, that can be a question.

* * * *

When madness becomes normal, normal becomes madness.

* * * *

Some seers spend their awareness in a cave; for others, the world is their cave.

* * * *

The underlying current in any torture is anticipation.

* * * *

What is death but that which never was resuming that which will never be.

* * * *

And why again do we call it progress?

* * * *

Awake, asleep, what matter? It will all be over the same either way before you know it.

* * * *

Life owes you nothing.

* * * *

It the here-now in which anything happens; pay attention, or not.

* * * *

You may know history, but do you understand it, do you feel it in your beingness?

* * * *

Freedom is only as free as detachment allows.

* * * *

The no man’s zone between known and unknown is the madness of the mystic philosopher.

* * * *

Touch the sun if you dare.

* * * *

What is a brain worth if it cannot step beyond its limits at least once and a while.

* * * *

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, how corrupt is god?

* * * *

Anticipation can be a thoroughfare of both delight and horror.

* * * *

It is all a dream, no part more real than another.

* * * *

So, what you are really saying is that we are all going to die.

* * * *

What depth can there be to the superficial without the awakening of intuition and doubt.

* * * *

And to whose history might you be referring?

* * * *

Quantum mind, quantum universe, quantum everything, quantum nothing.

* * * *

The giving world, the taking tree-dweller.

* * * *

A miss is a miss no matter how close.

* * * *

​It is all biology playing itself out until one bitter end or another.​

* * * *

Vanity creates, vanity preserves, vanity destroys.

* * * *

Forgo time; be.

* * * *

Only the mind believes its tripe real and important.

* * * *

Endure, and whine.

* * * *

Is piety really any less vain than any other vanity?

* * * *

Big bang, or big swirl?

* * * *

To go where knowledge cannot is to return to the unknown.

* * * *

Whatever normal is, it is not something to which wit aspires.

* * * *

How much needless suffering finds its way into so many minds.

* * * *


* * * *


* * * *

Awareness trumps all.

* * * *

A symmetry that has no existence; an existence that has no symmetry.

* * * *

Never again.

* * * *

Ramble on.

* * * *

Chatter on.

* * * *

What an albatross this unyielding Self-absorption can be.

* * * *

Space is, indeed, the final frontier.

* * * *

There are many things that matter and many that do not; the art is discerning which is which.

* * * *

No nature, no nurture.

* * * *

Drifting through the motions.

* * * *

Listen and learn; no need to follow.

* * * *

The opportunist is ever-vigilant.

* * * *

The wind is the truth, and there is no such thing as truth.

* * * *

Greed works as well as anything imagined.

* * * *

Dualism, a sensory-induced imaginary notion; nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

In every eye, a different cosmos.

* * * *

What is creation, what is existence but a quantum shake.

* * * *

A ​poisoned world, a poisoned body, a poisoned mind.

* * * *

What are life and death but different reflections of the same mystery.

* * * *

Still the mind, still the thoughts, still the imagination, and what is left of you?

* * * *

Contentment rests easy on both laurels and thorns.

* * * *

They are only words.

* * * *

Giving anything a label is a nice way to file it away in an out-of-sight-out-of-mind way.

* * * *

The lab coat is not a religious vestment.

* * * *

Some folks are just born to be targets of one wrath or another.

* * * *

Name that face.

* * * *

Attachment is a Gordian Knot best cut in one fell slice.

* * * *

The whiff of permanence is but illusion.

* * * *

Awakening is all about paying very close attention.

* * * *

Another maggot has its day.

* * * *

The political correctness of any given time is always afire with its own tyranny.

* * * *

Even the thickest stone has the wit to keep moving.

* * * *

History: All true; all false.

* * * *

How much are you willing to suffer for an idea, for a whimsy born of imagination?

* * * *

The quantum scale, the quantum scaleless.

* * * *

From mystery comes life, and from life, mystery discerned.

* * * *

The awareness is the omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent within and without all things.

* * * *

Yet another story to be forgotten, as all eventually are.

* * * *

Game face on, game face off.

* * * *

Even practically perfect people make mistakes and have bad daze.

* * * *

Of course it does not matter, but still we watch.

* * * *

The mind-body: friend or foe?

* * * *

The challenge is to not let your conclusions keep you from looking further.

* * * *

You, awareness.

* * * *

When opportunity knocks, opportunists answer the door.

* * * *

Now you know, now you decide.

* * * *

Yet another forum for idolatry.

* * * *

Embrace the void.

* * * *

Do not get mad about it; deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

The wind of opinion is fueled by assumption.

* * * *​

What an unyielding blight we are to ourselves and the world.

* * * *

To heck with anyone who tries to put you in a box.

* * * *

Even the greatest good casts a shadow.

* * * *

Imaginary as it is, we are all drug along in the wake of history’s future-past.

* * * *

Are you not the clever one.

​* * * *​

The light at the end of the tunnel grows​ daily dimmer.

* * * *

All you can do is keep walking toward whatever fate is in store.

* * * *

Art is its own reward.

* * * *

To effect right change, the right thing must be said in the right ear at the right time.

* * * *

Good breathing helps the mind find its source.

* * * *

Taking anyone or anything for granted is a precarious precipice.

* * * *

Yet another story, true or fictional, you decide.

* * * *

There is no safety in the vulnerability, unless others play it be and allow.

* * * *

Real meditation is death before dying.

* * * *

Endure – tolerate, continue, carry on – as best ye may.

* * * *

You are alone, ever watchful.

* * * *

Awareness is all, and there ain’t no more.

* * * *

Whether you do or do not, be or not be, live or die, is of little concern to the ultimate.

* * * *

Religion is the invention of Fear and Greed

* * * *

Imagination is the creator of all lies; it has no jurisdiction over truth.

* * * *

God-fearing or god-fearless, you decide.

* * * *

Heaven and hell are but states of mind to which imagination easily succumbs.

* * * *

Thought is one way to use the mind; insight the other.

* * * *

Meditation and contemplation are resting easy in one’s Self.

* * * *

The source of vanity is also its end.

* * * *

What is the world when awareness is all.

* * * *

Pretending you are an identity is a far lesser charge than true-believing it.

* * * *

It seemed right at the time.

* * * *

Home is wherever your head or foot or rear are abiding.

* * * *

A vast quantum matrix conceived and nurtured in your imaginary mind.

* * * *

Innnnn-siiiiight, get it?

* * * *

For the DNA, it is all about getting laid; tilling that soil and planting that seed.

* * * *

Trials are but the winds of fate, the course of which can only at best be vaguely set.

* * * *

The more still you are, the more you, you are.

* * * *

All you can do is play the fate your mind-body inspires in this garden world.

* * * *

To discern your passion, your raison d'être, is the most true fate.

* * * *

What another thinks of you is but imaginary notion to which you need not subscribe.

* * * *

The given moment is all; there is no where else to be.

* * * *

Just say no.

* * * *

Creator and creation, weaver and woven, how are they not the same?

* * * *

Guilt and remorse are the presoak of suffering.

* * * *

The mind that has no real problems has a tendency to make up its own.

* * * *

All consciousness is born of an imaginary, subjective center.

* * * *

About as rational as a flying pig.

* * * *

Someday the pain will end; until then, endure and enjoy as best you may.

* * * *

Rationality sponsors many an irrational notion.

* * * *

Basking in envy works every time.

* * * *

The way it is; it is what it is.

* * * *

What is to save?

* * * *

Now is an impenetrable mystery.

* * * *

The muddy stream gets muddier every day.

* * * *

There they go pushing the fear button again.

* * * *

We are all faking it the best we can: some are better at it than others.

* * * *

Being but a turn of the mind, heaven and hell are equally close and far.

* * * *​

​ Even the most well-meaning memory is but a lie of selective perception.

* * * *

Certainly easier to regurgitate a story than it is to discover the source of all stories.

* * * *

Just a dream of time filling itself with all sorts of self-absorbed gobbledygook.

* * * *

Any book is likely to be the greatest story ever written if that is all you have read.

* * * *

Where is science when there is nothing to observe, when there is nothing to measure?

* * * *

Blessed are the children, for they have not been stricken by the weight of the world.

* * * *

The irony, the paradox, of the spiritual quest, is that less always ends up being more.

* * * *

The truth is but the given moment, and thus neither the purview or the domain of consciousness.

* * * *

You are not saving anyone's cosmos but your own, and only for a short while.

* * * *​

​ And the other was created that the Great Quantum might discern its Self.

* * * *

Regarding whether or not you are the enigmatic totality, assume it so.

* * * *

Existence given little attention is but hollow vanity, and thus no life at all.

* * * *

Be and allow, the highest law, is daily usurped across the human theater.

* * * *

Sometimes it may well be that the baby needs to be thrown out with the bathwater.

* * * *

Only through the part can the whole be clearly discerned, and through the whole, the part.

* * * *

Where is the line between the attention of caution and the obsession of paranoia?

* * * *

Tomorrow is a new day, and, quantum willing, you might even live to see its sunset.

* * * *

There is something real about the working man’s existence that a desk jockey can never know.

* * * *

Regarding intelligence, best not too hot, not too cold, kind of a Goldilocks thing.

* * * *

What is it to be alone, but to be in an attentive, undistracted state of mind.

* * * *

The meaning of oblivion: No how, no why, no when, no where, no what, no who.

* * * *

You are nothing more than a fiction of a neuron web locked in a vain little skull.

* * * *

Sugar and spice and all things nice is unadulterated, delusional propaganda from the get-go.

* * * *

Heaven is the invention of imagination to make endurable the perdition of earthly existence.

* * * *

When the mind becomes its awareness, where is the fear, where is the desire, where are you?

* * * *

Who would not be happy to get fat on whatever taxpayer tit they can latch on to?

* * * *

How can you understand anything if you are not willing to explore everything?

* * * *
Woke up again this morning, born of imagination, on a road through perdition.

* * * *

What do you do with the truth that has neither meaning, nor purpose, nor reality?

* * * *

Explain, if you would, why you have never, and will never, see your face.

* * * *

Humankind is no different than any other cancer chewing away at its host.

* * * *

Whether you are as still as a pond, or as restless as a typhoon, the awareness is ever the same.

* * * *

Letting go the world requires attentive mindfulness in each and every moment.

* * * *

Devise whatever claims you will about awareness, all are speculations, none are real.

* * * *

A fair amount of the aging process is pain becoming a constant companion.

* * * *

You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the monkey.

* * * *

You are the ever-born-ever-undying mystery, nothing more, nothing less.

* * * *

Always astounding how long it can take for some things to become obvious.

* * * *

We all get locked in our conditioned recording, playing out the rutted mind round and round.

* * * *

As you see more and more clearly, what is real, and what is not, detachment just sort of happens.

* * * *

There is no such thing as normal, or it might be said, we are all our own version of normal.

* * * *

We are all buddha, we are all god; the trick is having the wit and will and courage to discern it.

* * * *

What a prison the body ultimately becomes to those ready to burst across the universe.

* * * *

Only seven days? … Only six thousand years? … The chosen people? … Yeah, sure … Pfft.

* * * *


* * * *

In any creative enterprise, only the artist knows all the agonies and ecstasies of its genesis.

* * * *

The good news is that you will never die; the bad news is that you must endure forever.

* * * *

Discerning how utterly alone you truly are is the only means to the redemption of serenity.

* * * *

And what is your ambition, your goal, your agenda, your raison d'être, this very moment?

* * * *

The indivisibility is sliced and diced by a divisibility that has no ultimate reality, whatsoever.

* * * *

No matter how resolute, science is ultimately limited by the doors of human perception.

* * * *

Nationalism is nothing more than a loftier version of a high school pep rally

* * * *

And what will come of life on this world when the web is tattered beyond redemption?

* * * *

Wisdom is not an end in itself, but a natural distillation of a life of inquiry and observation.

* * * *

All those so-called mystical experiences are almost as profound as a good shit.

* * * *

The indivisible nothingness slathered with imagination is still indivisible nothingness.

* * * *

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand people see a thousand pictures.