Soundbites Added to “The Return to Wonder”

Soundbites Added to “The Return to Wonder”

Transferred to fill out the diminished ten-page blocks during

the very gradual edit underway since September 2015.

Chapter One

You are nothing but a dream of the absolute to fathom its eternal fathomlessness.

* * * *

To gain the perfect edge, the sword must withstand the forge many times.

Chapter Two

To know life is to know death; one is not without the other.

* * * *

Attachment to mind and body is the fountainhead of suffering.

* * * *

Peace is a quality of consciousness, not some unattainable, divisible ideal.

* * * *

To see, to know, to own, that you are the absolute, manifest, is beyond all imagining.

* * * *

No matter how much you think you know, it is ever a mystery behind the veil.

Chapter Three and Beyond

Decided to just use the longer Leftovers, so the two chapters above will be it for now.